Caracteristicas de ingles
Enviado por tomas • 13 de Noviembre de 2017 • 755 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 304 Visitas
Zodiac signs- Will won’t
Aries: Disturbing news may cause you fears and make you think you’re going to lose the love of who you are interested in.
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Taurus: You will be active and diligent and you manage to advance plans that until now were only abstract ideas
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Gemini: Circumstances will soon be completely overcome disturb.
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Cancer: Love vibrates in all aspects of your life and you feel wrapped in a cheerful tone, optimistic, happy, and full of hope to rebuild what was once and for reasons beyond your will almost breaks.
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Leo: The opportunities are there, but sometimes you get out of hand.
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Virgo: A major purchase is already at the gates so you go preparing the pocket because it will be very helpful.
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Libra: If you’re in the middle of a difficult love affair do not get many illusions and tries to resolve your issues in a straightforward way talking with the person you're interested.
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Scorpio: Focus on the realization of a project and analytically studying the details of it without leaving anything out.
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Sagittarius: There will be a meeting that requires your initiative as it should be you who say the first word and not keep waiting to be others who take the initiative, do not waste time.
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Capricorn: This day money trails open economy and particularly if you follow a hunch that will lead you to a good deal.
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Aquarius: You receive news that this day will be very happy because she will discover the possibilities of restarting a relationship you thought was over.
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Pisces: There is a happy circumstance in your family that you will be happy the rest of the week. Apply your Piscean empathic ability and see how well you're doing.
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Nombre: Yareli Alejandra Zermeño Quezada
Matricula: 1727466
Aula: 144
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Unidas de aprendizaje: Ingles II
Nombre: Yareli Alejandra Zermeño Quezada
Matricula: 1727466
Aula: 144
Mr. Pedro Campos
Etapa I
Etapa II
Etapa III
Etapa IV