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Enviado por   •  9 de Enero de 2019  •  713 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  314 Visitas

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Biomass plant

It is an industrial facility designed to generate electrical energy from biological resources. Thus, biomass plants use renewable sources to produce electricity.

Operation of a power generation biomass plant

The process of operating a biomass power plant is as follows:

First, the plant's main fuel and forest residues are stored in the plant. There they are treated to reduce their size, if necessary.

It then moves to a fuel preparation building, where it is classified according to its size and finally taken to the corresponding warehouses.

They are then taken to the boiler for combustion, which causes the water in the boiler pipes to become steam due to the heat.

The water flowing through the boiler pipes comes from the feed tank, where it is preheated by the heat exchange with even slower combustion gases exiting the boiler itself.

In the same way, as in other conventional thermal plants, the steam generated to the boiler goes to the steam turbine that is connected to the electric generator, where the electric energy is produced and transported through the corresponding lines.

The water vapor becomes liquid in the condenser, and from here it is again sent to the feed tank, thus closing the main water-steam circuit of the plant.

Solar power plants

Are facilities designed to take advantage of the sun's radiation to generate electricity. There are 2 types of facilities that can use the energy of the Sun to produce electricity:

• In the thermosolar power plant, the electric generation is obtained from the heating of a fluid with which, through a conventional thermodynamic cycle, an alternator can be moved thanks to the steam generated from it.

• In the photovoltaic installation, the electric energy is produced through photovoltaic panels that capture the light energy of the Sun to transform it into electrical energy. To achieve the transformation, photovoltaic cells made of semiconductor materials are used.


Privatized Power Generation Plants

Signature of contract

Type of privatization

Purchase sale, usufruct

Power plant


Amount paid for privatization

Investment commitment

Installed potency , amount to invest

Diversos= various

actual = current

consorcio= consortium

hpp= hydroelectric power station[pic 1]

tpp= Thermal Power Plant


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