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Cláusula Adverbio de tiempo ingles

Enviado por   •  29 de Octubre de 2017  •  1.192 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  698 Visitas

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Nota: Se pueden usar los adverbios de frecuencia (always, usually, sometimes y never) para formar las cláusulas de las oraciones en presente simple.

A continuación, oraciones con cláusulas de tiempo en presente, pasado y futuro

Ejemplos en tiempo presente simple:

I feel very happy when I hang out with friends

(Me siento muy feliz cuando paso el tiempo con mis amigos)

Ejemplos en tiempo pasado simple:

Last week I cooked dinner when I stayed at my friend's house.

(La semana pasada cocine la cena cuando me quede en la casa de mi amigo)

Ejemplos en tiempo futuro simple:

I will study for the exam when I receive the information.

(Estudiaré para el examen cuando reciba la información)

Con “WHEN”:

Daniel always carries his charger when he goes out of the city.

(Daniel siempre lleva su cargador cuando sale de la ciudad)

My parents walk in the park when they have free time.

(Mis padres caminan en el parque cuando ellos tienen tiempo libre)

My sister will buy a laptop when she receives her paycheck.

(Mi hermana comprará una laptop cuando reciba su cheque de pago)

My brother learned English when he lived in USA.

(Mi hermano aprendió inglés cuando vivió en Estados Unidos

After, Before, When

To explain the meaning and use of the words "before", "after" and "when" to structure adverbial clauses of time.

Please note the significance of each of these adverbs:

[pic 2]

These three adverbs are going to help to form clauses of time, in short, will express when (at what time) indicating the action verb of the sentence occurs.


I feel great when I sleep well

(Yo me siento genial cuando duermo bien)

In these examples the first clause (prayer) before the adverb is called "main clause" and the clause beginning with the adverb is called "clause of time."

Distinction between the main clause and the clause of time

I buy a present before I go to a party.

Main Clause + Time Clause

The time clause can also go to the beginning of the sentence with the sole condition that they must place a "comma" to separate clause of time.

Consider these examples from the previous section to the start time clause.

When I sleep well, I feel very great.

(Cuando duermo bien, me siento genial)

As you can see, the order of the clauses does not alter the message meant.

Now, it is important to note that in these examples both clauses are composed of sentences in "simple present" is a rule that if the two clauses relate to the same period of time then we need to use similar forms of the verb in each clause.

Note: You can use adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes and never) to form the terms of the sentences in present simple.

Then sentences with clauses present time past and future

Ejemplos en tiempo presente simple:

I feel very happy when I hang out with friends

(Me siento muy feliz cuando paso el tiempo con mis amigos)

Ejemplos en tiempo pasado simple:

Last week I cooked dinner when I stayed at my friend's house.

(La semana pasada cocine la cena cuando me quede en la casa de mi amigo)

Ejemplos en tiempo futuro simple:

I will study for the exam when I receive the information.

(Estudiaré para el examen cuando reciba la información)

Other examples “WHEN”:



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