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Cuestionario de eologia en ingles

Enviado por   •  13 de Marzo de 2018  •  727 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  277 Visitas

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Environment→ comfortable, warm, peaceful, equilibrium, relaxation, conviviality, healthful, biotic, abiotic, and space.

Population→ much, people, animals, groups, specie, work, contamination, birth, mortality, necessities, reproduction, and living beings.

Community→ species, groups, different, big,

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Part 3:

- What is the importance of population to Ecology?

When there’s more people, the level of conscience has to grow, otherwise the natural resources would die completely, living us without oxygen. The biosphere is delicate and we must take care of it. This can only happen with a good education for the children to apply it in a near future to save resources.

- Why is it important to be aware of both the problems and the ecological values?

The social, economic and politic factors have influence in what it is the ecology and how we take care about it, for ex. In some countries when a person don’t throw the trash in the trash can there’s some penalty and since the children get ecological education, they to respect the nature. We need to take care and have conscience of what we are doing to the planet, because the nature feel all the heat that we are producing as a green house effect and the nature can take revenge of this situation, like: Tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.

- How do you influence the Ecology?

Is very important to educate the children, since a very young age to feel love for the nature and overall respect it, because in few years it’s probable that the world would be too sick to recover it. We can separate trash in our homes and save water and light; turn off the lights when it isn’t needed and also save the trash in the car or in a pocket until you see a trashcan. Besides of helping the planet you can save money.

- What commitments / actions can be taken to support the environment in your community? (mention at least 3) = It would be good for the environment that the police apply a ticket to the ones that throw trash in the park, organize your community once a week to clean the colony and do not buy canned products of companies that don’t recycle, also you can educate your pets.


We learned that is really important to know how to use all the natural resources to prevent damaging the environment by decreasing its diversity. Everyone should use just the quantity required, when we use more than what we need all the planet is slowly been affected and it will alter the natural cycles. Nowadays we can understand the consequences of wasting all natural resources as just looking how many species are disappearing and how many natural disasters have occurred.


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