El origen de los guardianes.
Enviado por Ninoka • 26 de Febrero de 2018 • 2.102 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 335 Visitas
Pitch or the coconut since you want to call it was the one that was in charge of destroying the best sleep of the children in the nights for horrifying nightmares destroying the illusions and the hopes of the children.
They took Jack to the North Pole to tell him between all and to give him the welcome as new guard the surprised one by the news and without believing it he knows that he is not indicated to be a guard, he does not accept the idea of it being but it had to understand that they were not other guards, either the fairies of the teeth or the rabbit of Easter the others who they chose it the man of the moon did not even choose and before this decision he could not deny to himself that it was the destination who was choosing it but he needed to know what its center was what was making it special and therefore the master of the moon chose it like guard.
The truth the things every day were worsening, the dental primer was the first one in being attacked by the coconut or pitch as you want to call it the one who enjoyed all the misfortunes that it was provoking and one let all the guards know about it it has taken all the fairies and it is transforming the sleep of the children into frightening nightmares. Everything in fact is a catastrophe there were already children who were waking up without finding shallows its pillows the visit of the fairy of the teeth they were stopping believing in her the coconut only he wanted that fear and darkness existed. pitch not only it had taken the fairies but also the teeth and together with them the memories of the childhood and there it was where Jack found out that he also was someone before being chosen it had had a hearth, a family, a life.
Jack to the very naughty being and simultaneously very innocent, did not know that what was the nastiness began to listen to a voice that was made very well-known to him and began to continue it because its intention was to find this voice, but without realizing it was committing a very big error because pitch it had a prepared pitfall. Jack could recover the box of its teeth and this way its memoirs but pitch I manage to destroy the day of the Easter. On having realized, Jack of its error was already too much late to be able to remedy it.
Without nobody believing in Jack again I remaining alone they all were disappointed, pitch I manage to separate them again. but the children began of stopping believing in the guards the lights little by little they were going out and the guards were losing its force but there was a light that never goes out and whom Jack helped to keep lit when the child was already going to stop believing. And since any good history the justice always comes on time and although only one light has lit the guards have a motive for fighting for the children.
¿Quién es pitch?
Pitch era el villano de la película, él era una sombra frustrada por que nadie creía en él y no tenía ningún poder sino tan solo hacer que los niños tuvieran pesadillas en las noches. Él es como el coco tratando de dar miedo.
¿Que acento tiene la película?
La película tiene un acento
¿Qué significa para usted el miedo?
Para mí el miedo significa como la angustia que sentimos cuando creemos que estamos ante un peligro ya sea imaginario o real.
¿Qué mensaje importante deja la película?
Pues la película deja un mensaje que a pesar de que nadie crea en nosotros, ni siquiera nos conozcan o nos puedan ver nosotros mismos tenemos que creer en lo que podemos hacer, luchar por encontrar el propósito de nuestras vidas hasta encontrarlo y llenar nuestra vida de tan solo felicidad.
¿Cómo enfrenta usted el miedo?
Pues en la vida hay muchas situaciones difíciles y momentos en los que se tiene miedo pero hay que tener presente que para delante es para haya y que un momento de miedo no puede ser excusa para detenernos en el camino y no seguir luchando por los sueños.
Si tuviera que aconsejar a alguien para que enfrente el miedo a alguien o a algo sabiendo que ese alguien no es responsable de su miedo
Las personas les tenemos miedo a diferentes cosas unas a los ratones, otras a los insectos otras hasta a los animales domésticos pero por más grande que sea nuestro miedo todo está en la mente y nuestro miedo no puede ser más grande que nosotros mismos
Escríbale algo al miedo
Pues en realidad es normal sentir miedo y es de humanos equivocarse. Sentir miedo al no saber a qué se enfrenta o que pasara en cualquier circunstancia nos tiene que hacer tomar más carácter para enfrentar nuestros propios problemas.
Dibuje la escena que más le llamo la atención
Colombia esta acorralada por el miedo ¿Por qué?
Pues desde mi punto de vista yo sí creo que Colombia si esta atemorizada por el miedo ya que ha sido mucha la violencia que han tenido que sufrir nuestros campesinos, tantas violaciones a los derechos humanos por parte de los que tienen el poder y no lo usan para beneficio del pueblo sino para beneficio propio.