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El país del sol naciente

Enviado por   •  5 de Octubre de 2018  •  686 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  311 Visitas

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En algunos lugares hay zapatillas sanitarias especiales para los baños, usar zapatillas especiales para entrar a una casa, un restaurante tradicional, templos y en algunos museos.

Si va de visita siempre tiene que llevar un regalo, dado que es un honor ser invitado a la casa de alguien.

Sorber fideos es visto como cortes, es de buena educación, demuestra que se está disfrutado de la comida.

Es muy común dormir en hoteles capsula.

Sonarse la nariz delante de otro es una grosería.

Nunca vallas a una boda con una corbata negra, solo se puede ir con una corbata blanca o rallada.

The tip can be seen as an insult, demeaning badly.

Walking and eating is seen as negligent, eating in public is rude on trains or out there. Although there are some exceptions like eating an ice cream on the street.

There are designated people who push people inside the subway cars. This is done to make sure that everyone enters without getting stuck in the doors.

In some places there are special sanitary slippers for the bathrooms, use special slippers to enter a house, a traditional restaurant, temples and in some museums.

If you are visiting you always have to bring a gift, since it is an honor to be invited to someone's house.

Sorber noodle is seen as cuts, it is polite, it shows that you are enjoying the food.

It is very common to sleep in capsula hotels.

To blow your nose in front of another is rude.

Never go to a wedding with a black tie, you can only go with a white or grated tie.


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