How does the lack of sleep affect our health?.
Enviado por Ledesma • 25 de Mayo de 2018 • 1.002 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 511 Visitas
Additionally, the lack of sleep prevents our body to rest, preventing our organs to rest, preventing our immune system to rest which make us more prone to suffer from an illness such as flu, infections or colds, this statement was the conclusion of a test in which the blood of people whose hours of sleep were 10 and 6 was analyzed and compared, discovering that the subjects whose hours of sleep were 6 hours evinced a disturbance in 700 genes as well as chemistry changes that alter the production of proteins, the ones who participates in the elaboration of leukocytes or white cells (WBCs), which are an importan part of the immune system, defending the body from external microorganisms . All of this will not allow us to rest enough and added with stress on the grounds that it poses the increment of cortisol (steroid hormone, produced by the adrenal gland) which is discharged as a response to the stress, it will origin the loss of elasticity in the skin as well as headaches and ansiety and it goes without saying that this will speed up premature aging. This makes the person less attractive for the reason that his face evokes fatigue and implies less access to that person, claimed an article published by the magazine Sleep.
Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that even though now a days we do not have enough time to sleep nor relax, we need to find a balance, we need to juggle our sleep and activities, we need to juggle our life. Moreover, for the previous reasons I have already mentioned, sleep is an essential part of our lives and we need to have and enjoy it every single day, so, are you sleeping as you should or are you just damaging you body?
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