Laboratorio de topografía
Enviado por monto2435 • 4 de Diciembre de 2017 • 2.285 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 326 Visitas
This stone limit, the first example known of one, has the description of a property, the name of the agrimensor and of the owner, and the history of property. This stone also contains big curses for any one that denied the right of property of the terrain or moved the plate.
This tablilla represents one delos methods of the agrimensura current, which is the location of stones limit or another mark in a corner of the property. Also they have found , in this same region, other artefacts a bit more recent that represent topographical maps of traces it of the agricultural earths and channels of irrigation…”
“…In Mesopotamia appear the first replanteos of the to scale real history, being usual habit trace in red, on the losas of the floor, the plant of the building to build, conserve also, representations graficas of plants of buildings and fragments of cities, some of them like planes very delineated and other sketch, with or without heights, drawn on tables of clay. These planes vary regarding the degree of detail, but in occasions appear even the thicknesses of the walls and the situation of the gaps…”
“… The agrimensura has been an elemento essential in the development of the human surroundings, from the beginning of the history registered (to the 3000 to. C.); It is a requirement in the planning and execution of almost all form of construction (…)
“… The technicians of to agrimensura have applied along big part of our history written. In the Ancient Egypt, when Nilo flooded the fields of crop that found is his banks, established limit using the geometry. The almost perfect quadrature and orientation north-south of the Big Pyramid of Guiza, built to the 2570 to. C., they confirm that the Egyptians dominated the agrimensura…”
Historia de Catastro.
“… They have found references that in China, around the 700 of ours was, existed a fiscal system based in the production of grains and in the existence of archives of planes.
In the South of the Indian, around the 1000 of ours was, Raja the Big, founder of Imperio Chola ordered a relevamiento of agricultural incomes that was kept during the force of his empire…”
Sociedad y Cultura en la Antigua Mesopotamia. – LOS PRIMEROS SILABARIOS, VOCABULARIOS Y MANUALES. Pag. 121.
“… The geometry had in Mesopotamia a fundamentally pragmatic character: it served to do the caculo of surfaces and volumes. It was necessary, for example, for the sale of the goods real estates or for the partitions of inheritances, determine by writing the extension of these goods. To fix the quantity of grain that needed for seeds it, had to know the area of the terrain.
After the annual floods, that erased often marks of the limits of the terrains, was necessary to make again the measurements of the fields.
They have conserved until our varied days planes of terrains, that make us possible to know the system of agrimensura used in that then. When the plots of terrain had irregular form, the surface that had to measure divided in triangles or square, for whose calculation had of formulas…”
Antecedentes Históricos de la Agrimensura.
“…The Agrimensura is born in periods very remote, with the most ancient civilisations that the history remembers. His practice was a consequence of the process of radication and afincamiento experienced by the parcialidades that of nomads happened to sedentary; that of the economy pastoril evolved to the activities of agricultural type. This last demanded the distribution of the earth and his legislation parcelario imposing then the mensuración of the respective predios, of whose activity was born theTo grimensura like science, art or job.
Repeatedly it has said that the Agrimensura was born in Egypt like consequence of that singular rural economy linked to the aprovechamiento of the valley of the River Nilo, whose periodic grown had to the country in constant evolution parcelaria and agricultural.
In the Mesopotamia, instead, the agricultural economy worked according to other characteristics like consequence of the works of canalisation and regadío that served of the waters of the rivers Tigris and Éufrates to irrigate his earths.
This determined the exercise of an Agrimensura in accordance with the half. Of Egypt and Caldea, the Agrimensura happened to Greece, where were invented the jalones and a type of square -the gromma- and also the tripod to sustain the dioptras. Of this period is also the level of water, by means of which gave his first steps the Altimetry...”
La Evolución de los Mapas a Través de la Historia.
In that same zone, of the half Orient, it is necessary to locate also other remote examples of cartographic representations, much better delineated that the previous drawing and very very conserved, by the support of clay employed.
From among all they deserve to stand out three truly singular cases. The first of them is the plant of a temple, that forms part of the statue of Gudea (s. XXI to.C.) And it incorporates a graphic scale. The second, drawn to scale, is the famous plane of population of Nippur (1500 to.C.), which shows the walls of the city, channels, warehouses and until a park. The third example is the first representation oriented, that they have news, known like the map of Nuzi, in her appears a finca with a surface of some 121 hectares