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Listening comprehension and pronunciation.

Enviado por   •  12 de Mayo de 2018  •  2.086 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  315 Visitas

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Individually they have to express in the drawing what they have understood in the audition. We give you a drawing that contains part of that information, and you must to color it according to what you have understood, but be careful! There is a mischievous goblin who has introduced some trap because he wants to make sure that we have understood the story really. Maybe there are characters or things that has been invented and introduced in the drawing but nevertheless we have not been told about them. If you find in the drawing something that you have not heard, cross it off and do not color it.

We can ask them questions of the type, did any birds appear in the audition? And any cow? What animal did Felipe paint pink? It was a rainy day? Did he tell us if there were children playing? And bicycles?

We see for example how we have intentionally added a cow, a rabbit, a little bird, the bicycle and children playing, a dog which is not running ... As we can see it’s important pay attention to details.

Later, all together, we will share the different points of view in a group way, obviously in English. It is beneficial to let them debate among themselves what they have understood and justify and argue their answers. Finally, we will put the audition again making the relevant stops in those moments where the audition gives us the relevant information for the accomplishment of the activity. To correct the activity, teacher will take an incomplete card and he will fix it to the board with adhesive blu tack. We will listen one last time the audition and we will stop it to solve it in front of the whole class simultaneously to the audition. It is a way of avoiding expressing ourselves in Spanish, through reinforcement with the support of visual materials and verbal and non-verbal language, because what interests us is that children listen a lot to familiarize themselves with sounds and pronunciation, identify words, understanding the main idea, and capturing details by which we were asked. In addition to this, they learn to argue their answers and self-cheeked themselves counting exclusively on their own strategies and knowledges, so that they themselves are the ones who reach the solution and work as a team answering the questions of the peers.

The second activity that we would propose it would be focused on pronunciation and intonation. It is important that we clean our ears, not just for pronunciation, but for any activity in which listening attention is required. We can propose to children making them keep a few seconds of silence. Then everyone will listen to the instructions given by the teacher in English. The best way to work the pronunciation is to repeat many times examples of words that contain those sounds that we want to work.

We are going to work the pronunciation of the sound "r". First of all, teacher will explain what we have to do to produce this sound accompanied by examples of words that contain this sound. Sister/paper/September/October/November December/ world/word/work/ purple/red/road/ finger/ remember/nature/ future

In Spanish when we pronounce this sound the tip of the tongue touches the palate and vibrates. In English is not the same, the tongue does not reach the palate but remains suspended. We are going to repeat the words with special emphasis on the pronunciation of the "r", paying particular attention to the pronunciation difference when the "r" is at the beginning or in the middle of a word. We’ll do it both individually and randomly as the teacher asks. Students may also propose words that they believe contain this sound. In this way, we will learn to recognize it and students can analyze how many words they used without paying so detailed attention to their pronunciation.

We are going to remove all the furniture by placing it in the corners of the class to have more space. All students should move to 4 legs on the ground. The teacher will say words. When children detect that the word the teacher has said contains the sound studied, the children should stay paralyzed as statues. If they have been right, once the teacher begins to recite new words the students will go on their march, but if they have been wrong, they must remain immobilized. To ensure that children do not respond supported in their memory, we will propose words different from those used during the initial explanation. Play will make easier for the students to be awake and active. Ludic component allows us to awaken their motivation and involvement. Besides, we are also implying kinetic intelligence, facilitating learning through of movements, which can help us to be understood better by our students.

To consolidate both, colors and the sound of the "r", we will end up learning a song that comes very well for Christmas, “Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer”, with which we can also work with values such as integration and tolerance.

Youtube.( 9 de diceinmbre de 2010) Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer(Lyrics) [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de

It is important that we take great care of our correct pronunciation in this type of activities, children learn to listen in an analytical and gently way, so we must correct everything they do not pronounce well because they are imitating us and we run the risk of they fixing bad pronunciations if we are not exhaustive with this. We must note that in this type of activity the child does not read the text, only hears it. It is advisable to do this in this way because we know that in English the written form can lead to confusion as to how it should be pronounced when they do not yet master the second language.


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