Portafolio de evidencias ingles.
Enviado por Mikki • 17 de Julio de 2018 • 2.074 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 329 Visitas
It is very important for the water cycle to occur as long as the atmosphere is as polluted as possible and the water is pure.
The water cycle has been understood by a series of processes: evaporation , condensation ( The vaporized water rises and condenses giving rise to the cloud), precipitation (when the water droplets that make up the clouds cools will end up precipitating to the earth depending on the weight and will be liquid or solid.
informative texts
MEXICO CITY, February 2 .- The Chamber of Deputies agreed in commissions to request the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to investigate the former head of the Federal Government Marcelo Ebrard and Senator Mario Delgado, former Secretary of Finance of the Federal District, for the Irregularities in Line 12 of the Metro; Also requires the Federal Superior Audit (ASF) to investigate a diversion of federal funds.
Yesterday confirmed what Excélsior advanced: the Special Commission of San Lázaro that analyzes the case of Line 12 approved by majority the requests for the PGR and the ASF. Tomorrow, the plenary will analyze this semi-annual Final Report containing 11 recommendations; The majority, for the current DF government.
The Chamber of Deputies agreed in commissions to request the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to investigate the former head of the Federal Government Marcelo Ebrard and Senator Mario Delgado, former Secretary of Finance of the Federal District, for the Irregularities in Line 12 of the Metro
The dog or domestic dog
The dog or domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a carnivorous mammal of the canidae family, which constitutes a subspecies of the wolf (Canis lupus). A study published by the scientific journal Nature reveals that, thanks to the process of domestication, the dog's organism has adapted to certain kinds of food, in this case starch.6 Its size or size, its shape and coat is very Diverse according to race. It has a very developed ear and smell, the latter being its main sensory organ. In small breeds can reach a longevity of about 20 years, with careful attention by the owner, otherwise their life on average is around 15 years.
The dog or domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a carnivorous mammal of the canidae family, which constitutes a subspecies of the Wolf
Assumption of President Barack Obama
On Monday, January 21 Barak Obama assumed his second term as president of the United States with an approval that surpassed 50%
The event was held in the capital Washington, in the presence of crowds who crowded the streets.
The singer Beyonce was chosen by the president to sing in the assumption of its second mandate
"With each election we reaffirm the promise of democracy," were the words that gave the beginning of the presidential address.
Barack Obama. Was re-elected president by beating Republican Mitt Romney by exceeding the number of 270 voters necessary to win the election, therefore, will govern for another four years
On Monday, January 21 Barak Obama assumed his second term as president of the United States with an approval that surpassed
-Barak Obama
Descriptive texts
The African lion belongs to the felines, is of a very large size, of approximately 1.75 meters, measuring it from the cross to the ground, its average length is of two meters, measuring it from the head to the tail.
An adult animal, weighs between 180 and 200 kg, and males have a large mane that covers the whole neck, head (except the face) and part of the back.
Its color is brown tending to gold and is one of the most beautiful felines that exist, being surpassed in size by some types of tiger, like the bengal tiger.
The African lion belongs to the felines, is of a very large size, of approximately 1.75 meters, measuring it from the cross to the ground, its average length is of two meters, measuring it from the head to the tail.