Reduction of Hazardous Waste
Enviado por tolero • 13 de Diciembre de 2018 • 16.775 Palabras (68 Páginas) • 278 Visitas
From the begi nning. it has Our bel*' that tul so ctselyarect me classroom teacær be xoauced onty experienced high chemi3ry teachers. We mere-fore selected fru-n locations the state (see •earlidpants•. p. 5)_ Tt'Be teachers werg on basis of re-commendeicns and personal Of iNir abili* accompli*hrneüts. They brought to the 01 Cremi$try on the ampus ct carolina Stae untv«stty lor an intensive one week during July 'i 987 The teaNrs sifed through rHeriHl end the presem A dran was pres•med ai 1988 NMIh Canine Sdence Teachers Association Congenion in Asrnville and was extensively re• by leactErs other prolesdonals.
Two na1i-Ma)y known to works}m coneunanls- The "st, Kenneth L Williamson of W. College, a member Oi the Nati0MI Academy Of See-rwe$ that prodJced the hid-nark •Prudent Præ• tÉes tor tlæ Oivosal LabMa10ry Waste" end oi and MZtoscik orsatlc expesments•. D'. .Jæk Germen. tne Stae wtment Of a trequert cn hazardN_1s W-aMe i--s*les in he and 01 the imponant new mtro-convuter Total Sdence %lety Syslyn Gra&-s 7, 1 d'_ Mrs. Helen Story Creensbo•o, a h"hl-y and æclamed HIQh School Chenslry tead•., wæ reta]ned a cmsunantacw adviüiO trn pr"tam. Or. Wiliam Spoxter. NC DepenmeM oi P•tNZ Ins-Inx-lim served as a coasunent to tne program by Dr_ H_ Wahl. the NC$U Depanme•nt Crgml-ary.
Tn• goal ot •ms ucuxwo-i is to 'Mtn sources 01 ana some new ideas ab«.n h• school ct•emi$lry *0.gram we believe that cmmistry need waliiy tiæ as an program and lhs eipefieme Shoo" be In the rm-s.t emiron• mentalr sourd mamer pos-Abk.
All eoenences nwst be caretuny by me teachers. One important in sele«irg aluys P Does the banA5j exceed the Those maponSbk making OcEsions on arg •sate' musTc,onside-r many faders: 1 grade level il is being us"; 3} the an-d satety b-EkgtuM Ot lhe teatt*t Wif* it:
4) ih€DhYSiCäI avaihbiity sakty equipment. Earamcen enw nuke such *teninatbns if they have carefuly stLÉied the heakh and safety hazards present in their'
- Fie Blanket
Eany sach year. teactws smuec emulate one to insure that all •.ulp-ment is wc"ing arS that lhe students and teacIEß kmw Fow 10 h_
to the frequent turnovel of end irregular an inventory 01 cti€mtats onenäd. Sltxe most teacn«s tnemsewe-$ oentk€d. they navelilte nonunitvtorücethisbedlog of Further not given 10 propery mamge Ihase inherited chemical TO simpiW p:oce55 and auke up&es eas.i&l, lhs I n ventc:u-y 38-3iion ot tNs descröes pwcesz tl-* *Ott-ware iviila*.
We believe that hot $d»ol chemical to b' nrefuW examlned light of current expeimenlal weds and a.Jrr81t reguhtiors. Unneces-
s.ary and unk n awn shu.mbeproper%r divoæd 01 with I rom the state. All rnSt in a secure, well-ve&tedare.e. aM only in quantities.
also recommerÉ in if all. wrrent expenmenl$_ This 'MO-Seale" wili pen-ru to oNain as rudi bborauory experience with hazardous problems_ In shorlr when Qeaking abmt af
In Ibe •
Less is getter
Some Mministralors and b--M•ds have corsid%ed the extra 01 workirq with chemmls to be too 'reat and hege significantly ±c-faased tle time devoted to chemistry laboratory. We 'eleve tNs to be a Ilistakek Chemistry an expeæmema• science. Witmut the course is ønger a men-gry
Chemistry is teuhl wilt•m 1119. road experienee_ Haroon eqatlmemation "lh chemic* has Nibs-tinne and mug' cMlinue be an integral pan cf tha high school &.gmistry
T7-w objectives DI this proieot ale [o;
1 ) Assess lhe current pnemæap 'rW"Qri3S cnemkals ShOUh be removed: how can teachers rennve these chenca_l$ in a safe accnomlcal and apprqrEatG way?
2) Compile a-I amolaled 1st 01 chemicals that be used to emphasize the h2ürdS 01 Common chemicals.
3) Prepare an annotaiaC Esl experiments Inyn menualg wtü æc011Vany state adoptBd text
4) Mi"iMi2€ me quantities chemicars usea i" oraer to reduce teacher am stuæm exposure to the accumutation haz;rdow
safer, ef•kc-tive lab envLvmm•Ns in schools.
Every SCh001 teed* CåtetMiel management system. Thro* an etitn, the ...antoes or hazat&.s end u N*'anteacnencajs lound scfwes "crease will benefit teachers, students. citizens Of North Cadina_ The large dterni3al *Itch-nes and expensver specialized waste '-srnoyal s.ignificamy decrease. WI-en teachers erNbit æreful use end
QI Gharnbds. awareness of our ymxodliz€ns abculltwil environmwntal repon•
SitiEties in2reaø. We hope this •ill the and more effe•etkv• l'bovetory cx•gtam.
In all of 'hese sq_pp« 01 the schod adrririslratül is for
ll. Importance of Lab Work
Wany centuries ago, an o" Chinese *ilosopher gald:
"Id tøget, see I
This is (he 01 anyone in Doing ezperimgnts and tied work is griSi 01 science, eerge W, T rasset. Ot National Scente
'hat devebøs mat«als for samweinstn.xtkn. oemes toe 01 a 'Tutor in a Box" or a com*nersimulation erpe-rinwnt_ "Thi; ig eo Mbslitule hr a real lab. H's hard to teem sdence hAthOU1 actually touching it, it, seeing how lhs experiment really wt_ Ttære•s a we*enim of hands•m seence education
Techer g. 12
in its and overaiew E€cogni2$$ that •The chiff$ hrs' experienca with fom rhe eaHes' grades, shouM invotve aspects of expenmental 6. 28 Funher, this emphaxs on lhs scienlilic process is rdnlccs-d by the phlos*ry that„
5ho.uki be largely stressing SOentifiC methods thrWgh *ppksa• Ofprocess skills p. 29 However. with 01 na2"d-S in lab