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Salvando el idioma shipibo

Enviado por   •  2 de Febrero de 2018  •  775 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  320 Visitas

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B: Why do you think so? You should make you feel proud of your native language because it represents your customs, your culture, your roots, your parents also speak this language.

A: It's true, my parents speak only the Shipibo, which is why I speak this language because it is the only way to communicate with them

B: and that's not enough reason to want to preserve this language

A: but over the years no one spoke as they speak only the elderly and the dying themselves die language

B: but it is also your responsibility to keep this language alive

A: It is not only my responsibility there are other people who also speak

B: it is true, but those people who speak it are few and most are older

A: but who wish to preserve this language if there are many in the world

B: our team is traveling around the world for languages ​​that are disappearing.

Our mission is to preserve

A: because the truth I wish my mother tongue is known worldwide

B: Well, it will, if you want to help

A: how could teach them to talk

B: our eta computer equipped with a kit of modern technology that will record the sounds of their language

A: so everyone can listen and learn

B: Yes, we could teach counting in shipibo

A: If you begin

B: ...

A: and body parts

B: Okay ....

A: Thanks for u help me like that tomorrow we can continue to help

B: good morning is come and bring some friends over who can speak other languages ​​shipibo and more

A: Well that would also be helping with those languages

B: See you tomorrow then

A: thank you very much to know the meaning of our project

B: anything, this will help take care of my culture and my habits all who live here feel us proud

A: it is whether it is the opportunity to show the world your language


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