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English i Activity #3: let´s travel

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TUESDAT, JULY 27, 2021

Dialogue between two friends planning for vacations

Joel: Hi Carlos! How are you?

Carlos: Good! How about you?

Joel: I’m great, thanks for asking.

         Aren’t you excited about going on vacations?

Carlos: I am so excited for this trip, because last year I couldn’t make plans due to Corona-virus, but this year I have planned a lot of things to do.

Joel: Yes, you are right. Corona-virus has greatly influenced life, but this year things are a little bit better we can have our trip together just like we planned last year before the pandemic started.

Carlos: so what are our plans for this getaway trip?

Joel: We are going to Colombia, Bogota, to be more specific. First we need to book our plane tickets for the flight, when would you like to go?

Carlos: I would say November, because we have the november holidays so we can take advantage of that.

Joel: Yes, that sounds nice, so we can go from November 1st till November 10th. Also we need to book a hotel but we will take care of the accommodations later.

Carlos: What about the activities? What do you want to do? What places would you like to visit?

Joel: I would like to go to a church called Catedral de Sal de Zipaquira, we can witness one of the most remarkable and unusual religious sites in South America at Catedral de Sal de Zipaquira, I would also like to go to a specialty museum called Gold Museum where we can admire the largest collection of pre-Hispanic South American gold work in the world at Gold Museum and finally go to the Planetarium of Bogota.

Carlos: Sounds nice! I am so excited.

Joel: Yes, me too! Remember to bring your passport, comfort clothes and shoes and your personal belongings. Pack light, we are also going shopping there and make sure you have a corona-virus with a negative result, it needs to be at least 48 hours old no more than that.

Carlos: Perfect! I will take that into consideration when packing and also remember the Corona-virus test. What about the hotel?

Joel: For the hotel we are staying on the Courtyard by Marriott, it is close to the airport with free shuttle service, so a few days before our flight we need to call to set up the transportation and we have a restaurant on the hotel and room service.


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