Política de Uso Aceptable de Conexión Inalámbrica
Enviado por monto2435 • 25 de Marzo de 2018 • 2.221 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 323 Visitas
Sin garantía
El sistema Wi-Fi se proporciona " tal cual" y "según disponibilidad“, sin garantías de ningún tipo. La empresa no garantiza que el servicio será ininterrumpido, libre de errores, o libre de virus u otros componentes nocivos. La empresa hace ninguna garantía expresa y el usuario renuncia a todas las garantías implícitas, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, las garantías de título, no infracción, comercialización y aptitud para un propósito particular con respecto a cualquier mercancía, información o servicio proporcionado a través la empresa o de internet en general. Cliente expresamente reconoce que hay, y no asume ninguna responsabilidad en relación con la seguridad, privacidad y confidencialidad riesgos inherentes a las comunicaciones inalámbricas y la tecnología y la empresa no garantiza ni garantía en relación a dichos riesgos. Ningún consejo o información dada por la empresa o sus representantes constituirá una garantía.
Limitación de responsabilidades
La empresa, sus empleados, agentes, ejecutivos, representantes y licencias no serán responsables por ningún costo o daño derivado, directa o indirectamente, de su uso del sistema wi-fi o de internet, incluyendo específicamente cualquier daño directo, indirecto, incidental, ejemplar, punitivo o especial, consecuente múltiple.
Acceptable Use Policy
All users of the Wi-Fi System must comply with this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). This AUP is intended to prevent unacceptable uses of the internet.
You must (1) provide all equipment (including computer hardware and software, personal digital assistants, wireless network cards, etc.) to connect to the Wi-Fi System, (2) comply with local, state, federal and international laws and regulations, including but not limited to copyright and intellectual property rights laws. You agree to be responsible for and to bear all risk and consequences for (1) the accuracy, completeness, reliability and/or usefulness of any content available through the Wi-Fi System and (2) all communications that you send or receive via the Wi-Fi System. LA EMPRESA does not undertake the security of any data you send through the Wi-Fi System and it is your responsibility to secure such data.
The following constitute examples of violations of this AUP.
You agree to not use the Wi-Fi System to:
(1) Transmit any material (by uploading, posting, email or otherwise) that is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
(2) Harm, or attempt to harm, minors in any way;
(3) Impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any material transmitted through the Wi-Fi System;
(4) Transmit any material (by uploading, posting, email or otherwise) that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under non-disclosure agreements);
(5) Transmit any material (by uploading, posting, email or otherwise) that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
(6) Transmit (by uploading, posting, email or otherwise) any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes" or any other form of solicitation;
(7) Transmit any material (by uploading, posting, email or otherwise) that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
(8) Interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to the Service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Service;
(9) Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, or any regulations having the force of law;
(10) "Stalk" or otherwise harass another; or collect or store, or attempt to collect or store, personal data about third parties without their knowledge or consent;
(11) Resell the Wi-Fi System without LA EMPRESA's authorization;
(12) Use the Wi-Fi System for high volume data transfers, especially sustained high volume data transfers, hosting a web server, IRC server, or any other server.
LA EMPRESA requests that anyone who believes that there is a violation of this AUP direct the information to hortega@La Empresa.com and include "WIFI" in the subject line. If available, please provide the following information:
(1) the IP address used to commit the alleged violation;
(2) the date and time of the alleged violation, including the time zone;
(3) evidence of the alleged violation; and
(4) your contact details including full name, email address and telephone number.
When reporting an issue regarding unsolicited email please provide a copy of the email messages with full headers which typically provides all of the above data. Other situations will require different methods of providing the necessary information.
You agree that LA EMPRESA may terminate this Agreement and cancel your access to the Wi-Fi System at any time, without notice and for any reason including, but not limited to, violation of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, security or safety reasons, and/or using the Wi-Fi System to perform any illegal activity. You further agree that in the event of termination for any reason, LA EMPRESA will have no liability to you.
Notice of Problems or Complaints
If you experience a problem