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RESUME (English)

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But first something important, what motivates me to do this work is that while an item that helps my country in history and perhaps something more.

Does Well and that is the pisco?

The pisco is water fiery grape Peruvian obtained from the distillation and fermentation of grape exclusive, following traditional practices established in the zones and must meet the standards in developing and producing previously recognized and declared as such by national law Peruvian.

The only pisco-producing areas of the coast are the departments of Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Moquegua and valleys of Locumba, Sama and Caplina the Department of Tacna in Peru.

Major varieties

• Pisco Puro: which is obtained from non-aromatic varieties such as broken, Mollar and Black Current, alone or combined in proper proportion, and has scent is soft.

• Pisco Mosto Green: It is obtained from the distillation of incompletely fermented grape wines.

• Pisco Aromatic: It is obtained from aromatic grape varieties such as muscatel, Italy and Albilla. Its characteristics to celaje. In any case it is necessary to add substance to its aroma becomes apparent. They are intrinsic properties such as whether manifested by their qualities.

• Pisco Achola: It comes from the blending of wines from different grape varieties.

• Pisco Aromatizado: Manufactured with the intervention in the distillation of fruit, like cherry, mango, lemon, passion fruit, the fig, cherimoya, and so on.

"Something" from history

I believe that history always helps to understand things, so here is a summary on the origin of pisco.

In the sixteenth century the grapes came to Peru from the Canary Islands, brought by Francisco Marques de Caravantes. Chronicles of the era that was brought in finances Marcahuasi, in Cusco, where the first wine produced in South America. Likewise count that Matthew Atiquita was the first American winemaker. However, it was in the valleys of Ica that those crops are widely spread due to favourable weather conditions instead of why it is in this area was developed with great force the wine industry.

Since mid-sixteenth century (1574), the Spaniards began using the name Pisco to designate the name of a river, a village and a port, which was one of the main routes serving the regional trade, while point was Boarding of guano and cargo shipments of silver to Spain.

Such was the success of the population of the vine in Peruvian land, which began to export wine from the Viceroyalty of Peru to Spain, what reason that mainland producers managed to Philip II of the ban this trade to avoid a dangerous competition, which was conceptualized in 1614. As a result of this restriction, the monks coastal landowners stepped up production of spirits, grape Peruvian product that quickly became a popular drink in their very own characteristics, especially among travelers in the region.

The first notifications are in Peru about the working of grape spirits, dating back to [pic 5]

early seventeenth century. Renowned historian Lorenzo Huertas Peruvian referred the matter "We found a 1613 document indicating the production of spirits (of grapes) in Ica."

The name Pisco is Peruvian origin unquestionably as has been verified in studies conducted by lexicographers, chroniclers and historians. It is a word prehispánico (quechua) which means "bird" or "bird".

However, this meaning is not alone. In the same region existed since time immemorial, a community of Indians called Piske, who were potters for excellence and who, among other products, produced "Botijas clay" which had an interior lining of beeswax in which drinks were stored alcoholic and chicha. Later when the Spaniards brought the grape to the region began to store there the famous brandy produced in the area. Over time, this spirit became identified with the name of the container contained.


- 1.0 Introducción

- 2.0 Antecedentes

- 2.1 Etimología

- 3.0 Historia

- 3.1 Las primeras plantaciones de vid en el Perú

- 3.2 El nacimiento del Pisco

- 3.3 Expansión

- 3.4 Documentos sobre el origen peruano del pisco

- 3.5 Anécdota relacionada con el comercio del pisco

- 4.0 Elaboración del pisco del Perú

- 4.1 Variedades del pisco del Perú

- 4.2 Variedades de uvas pisqueras

- 5.0 Características del pisco del Perú

- 5.1 Calidad del pisco: cordón y rosa

- 5.2 Zonas de producción

- 5.3 Algunos Viñedos

- 5.2.1 Área sembrada y decisiones para su incremento

- 6.0 Legislación peruana del pisco

- 6.1 Diferendo internacional sobre la denominación de origen

- 7.0 Promoción del pisco del Perú

- 7.1 Patrimonio Cultural

- 7.2 Día del pisco y del pisco sour

- 7.3 Ruta del pisco en el Perú

- 7.4 Botella y copa del pisco del Perú

- 7.5 Ediciones limitadas

- 8.0 Cócteles más conocidos con pisco del Perú

- 8.1 Ponche de los Libertadores

- 8.2 Pisco sour

- 8.3 Chilcano de Pisco

- 8.4 Pisco punch

- 9.0 Diccionario del pisco del Perú

- 10.0 Maridaje del pisco


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