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El cine y la musica en el siglo XXI en ingles

Enviado por   •  12 de Diciembre de 2017  •  4.058 Palabras (17 Páginas)  •  463 Visitas

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Acto 2

Escena 6

(En el salón el comandante Metcalf está leyendo y la señorita boyle sentada frente a la chimenea escribiendo en una libreta apoyada en sus rodillas)

Srta Boyle: Ralson´s family had prove very little honesty because they didn´t tell us that they´ve just opened the establishment.

Com. Metcalf: Well, all the things have a begining.

Sra Boyle: They´re begginers. They should have a better staff.

Com.Metcalf: The break was delicious.

Sra Boyle: Canned Meatbolls! (Se levanta y se acerca al radiador) The radiators are a bit warm. I´ll complain about it. When I first read the adverts I made such as different idea about how was going to be this place. I imagined it bigger, with a good readers room and also table games and other entertainments.

Com. Metcalf: Past times for old chatty ladies.

Sra. Boyle: Sorry?

Com. Metcalf: Nothing, you´re right.

(Comandante sale de escena, Mollie regresa al salón con un trapo, aspiradora y se choca con la señorita casewell en la entrada)

Mollie: I’m sorry

Srta.Casewell: It doesn’t matter( Mollie desaparece por la puerta y la señorita Casewell se dirige al centro del salón)

Sra Boyle: This girl is so clumsy, isn´t there backstairs?

Srta. Casewell: Of course.

Sra Boyle: So, Why she doesn´t use it? Anyway, She´d have to clean before the breakfast.

Srta Casewell: Could she be busy cooking the brakfast?

Sra Boyle: Is easy to see that all is improvised. (La señora boyle se pone a escribir mientras Casewell mira sonriendo, enciende la radio y le sube el volumen, luego la señora Boyle rechista y se va, entra Gilles)

Srta Casewell: (Señalando la radio) Would you like to turn the radio down?

Gilles: (Bajando el volumen) Like this?

Srta Casewell: Excellent, the radio has carried its mission.

Gilles: Which mission, What are you talking about?

Srta Casewell: Nothing, just pure strategy.

Gilles: Ah, you´re talking about her.

Srta Casewell: She was sitting in the best sofa, but now is mine (risa maléfica)

Gilles: You´ve get rid of her. That´s great. Let´s try to get her to leave.

Srta Casewell: Don´t think so. It´s snowing a lot.

Gilles: When the snows melt.

Srta Casewell: Many things could happen until snow melts.

Giles: I agree. (Se acerca a la ventana) Snow passes many peace. It helps to forget all your hardships.

Srta Casewell: That´s not my case. Freeze water in the sink, chilblains bleeding and raw… a tattered blancket… a child shivering of cold and fear.

Giles: Oh my god, it’s so macabre! (Sal del salón y casewell se pone a leer)

Escena 7

Mollie: (Entra en el salón, el teléfono suena y lo coge) Hello?, Yes…, this is the Monkswell’s guesthouse…What? Sorry, Mr. Ralson cannot pick up the pone in this moment, but you can talk to Mrs.Ralson. Who...Berkshire’s police? Oh yes,yes, superintendent Hogben. But anyway is not posible to arrive here(La srta.Casewell sale del salón) OK….what? Excuse me, excuse me! (Cuelga)

(Gilles entra en el salón)

Giles: Mollie, do you know where´s the spade?

Mollie: The police has just called. They´re going to

send a sergeant or an inspector.

Giles: No car could arrive here. Anyway, why are they going to come?

Mollie: I asked about it but they didn´t answer.

(La señora Boyle entra)

Sra Boyle: Sr Ralson?! The radiator in the library is cold!

Giles: I´m so sorry, Sra Boyle. But we haven´t got much coal and…

Sra Boyle: I´m paying twenty pounds a week, twenty! I´m not going to have cold.

Paravicini: (Entra en el salón) Good evening, ladies.

Mollie: Hi, oh my god, first the police and then the pipes get frozen.

Sra Boyle: The police?!

Mollie: Yes, they´ve already called telling us that they are sending an agent.

(Gilles entra al salón con un cesto de leños)

Giles: The little coal left are just stones, but that faces… What´s happening?

(Se oyen tres golpes en la ventana, Gilles se acerca y abre)

Trotter: Are you mr Ralson?

Gilles: Yes I am.

Trotter: Nice to meet you. I´m sergeant Trotter from Berkshire’s police, may I come in?

Giles: Round the house until the entrance.

Trotter: Thank you.

(Giles sale del salón en dirección al vestíbulo)

(Giles y Trotter entran al salón)

Giles: He´s the sergeant Trotter.

Trotter: Good evening.

Sra Boyle: It´s imposible to be a sergeant, you´re so young.

Trotter: I´m not as young as I can look like, lady.


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