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Equipos de Alto Rendimiento en EE. UU. (USA)

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13. Respeto

Los equipos funcionan mejor cuando hay respeto mutuo. Fomente esto designando a expertos que se consideran los "go-to's" en asuntos específicos y regularmente promueven el conocimiento que traen al equipo. Construir una cultura donde los miembros del equipo pueden confiar con confianza al experto en la materia y apreciar su valor-añadir al esfuerzo del equipo. -Barbara Safani, Solvers de carrera.

Finding the right people to fill roles at your organization isn't the only thing that matters when it comes to forming high-performance teams. Leaders also have to understand how each member will complement the others as well as how to cultivate shared values and open communication.

1. Recognizing Individual Strengths

Great teams are built with people who have great talents and skills. The best teams have diversity, so many different strengths appear within the team: strategic thinking, creativity, organization, relationship skills, detail-orientation — you name it. The best leaders not only recognize these strengths, they enable individuals to work within them and ensure team members appreciate one another. - Cha Tekeli, Chalamode, Inc.

2. A Focus On Hitting Goals

The ability to focus on getting a single project to completion is the key to high performance. Often times, team members are put on multiple projects with varying deadlines, which causes confusion, lack of urgency and burn out. Leaders can help foster high performance by engaging team members in fewer projects but over shorter periods of time. - Terra Bohlmann, BrightBound

3. Alignment

High performing teams are fully aligned with multiple variables that interact regularly in a steady and stable way. When everyone is aligned around a shared vision and focused values, then the team will grow from the inside out. Removing distraction is the first element in building alignment within a fully functional and high performing team. Aligning around your core is essential. - Terry Schaefer, Profitable Family Business

Open Feedback

High performing teams create and practice an open feedback culture. They provide and receive feedback regularly, regardless of position and tenure, in a way that improves the team's effectiveness and deepens their relationships. Leaders can set the example by asking for feedback from team members, responding positively versus defensively, and integrating the feedback into work behaviors. - Anu Mandapati, IMPACT Leadership for Women

5. Integrity

Integrity is the most important characteristic of a high performing team. You need to trust those on your team and they need to trust you. No matter how educated, rich, cool, successful or talented you believe your team is, it's all absolutely pointless without integrity. It means doing the right thing for the right reasons, even when no one is watching, and knowing everyone on your team is doing the same. - John Hawkins, Building Effective Leaders

6. Kept Promises

Great teams do an exceptional job keeping the promises they make to each other, and the promises they collectively make to those they lead. To do this, one practice I've observed is effectively engaging in argumentation with each other — surfacing and handling disagreements in order to get to the right answers. Weaker teams hold on too tightly to their point of view, making debate difficult. - Matt Norquist, Linkage, Inc.

7. Interest In Learning

High performing teams learn from and improve everything they do. They care about each other’s development and put into place shared processes and methods of interacting that facilitate learning and ultimately lead to enhanced performance. Develop a learning culture by repeatedly encouraging employees to reflect on what they learn, apply it to their work, and then pass their learning on to others. - Lianne Lyne, PLP Coaching, LLC

8. Over Communication

Trust is the basis of any great relationship and it comes through communication. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. Become an oversharer of information with vulnerability and transparency. Reduce common fears that exist. Individuals need to understand their part of the puzzle as to why they do what they do. This empowers them to take ownership and collaborate more effectively within the team. - Jen Kelchner, Broadwell Group Inc.

9. Psychological Safety

Create an environment where everyone is able to speak up without fear of embarrassment or rejection. The leader needs to be confident in him/herself to be able to create this atmosphere of trust, energy for success, and vulnerability. So many great ideas are lost otherwise. Productivity, morale and retention will skyrocket! - Tim Ressmeyer, Ressmeyer Partners

10. Commitment

Commitment of every team member is key — to each other, to the organization, and to their own growth. Leaders can foster this by ensuring everyone understands the importance of their role to the team and how their specific strengths and skills contribute to the success of the organization. It's not just about individual impact; it's also about how each team member positively impacts the group. - Lisa Downs, DevelopmentWise Consulting

11. Collaboration

High performing teams are all about successful collaboration. When members can complement and enhance each other through their unique skills brought together collaboratively, success always follows. - Laura DeCarlo, Career Directors international

12. Trust

Every high performing team is built on a foundation of trust. When you know your team members are competent, reliable and have your best interests in mind, then you can spend less time worrying about if or how things will get done and more time performing together. Leaders can foster a culture of trust by rewarding behaviors that build trust and encouraging team members to lead by example. - Rey Castellanos, Feed Your Wolf

13. Respect

Teams work best when there is mutual respect. Foster this by designating experts that are considered the "go-to's" on specific issues and regularly promote the knowledge they bring to the team. Build a culture where team members


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