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Enviado por   •  1 de Agosto de 2018  •  1.602 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  274 Visitas

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2. Have a work plan: Having a work plan or calendar allows employees to better manage their time and meet deadlines assigned to their tasks.

3. Use Available Resources and Take Responsibility: Employees must have a sense of responsibility towards the resources of the Organization. As part of the Organization each employee is equally responsible for the resources in it both in use and care.

4. Participation: Active listening and participation allows employees to work as a team, while the superiors must take advantage of this to communicate the objectives of the company and how to get them working both parties. If this is done successfully, employees should take the initiative when a new task is presented instead of trying to avoid it.

5. Be punctual and avoid missing: The main responsibility of every employee is punctuality and assistance since shortages and delays cause many problems to companies especially for work that is not performed or is fulfilled late.

6. Cleaning first and foremost: When it comes to cleanliness we are not just referring to personal cleanliness but to the cleanliness of our office or work area, a clean room allows us to increase the motivation to work.

7. Use of toilets and common areas for all employees: Please use the toilets taking into account that you are not the only person who is using it. If there is a sector that is shared by all workers, care should be taken to provide greater protection and cleanliness.

8. Saving of materials: Employees should develop the habit of saving and avoiding to spend raw material or inputs granted by the company, this will save money that can be used in other sectors of the company.

9. Critical Thinking and Suggestions: The worker should always be willing to show their suggestions and criticisms regarding some activity of the company, both employees and superiors should work together to increase work efficiency and organizational development.

Workers must, in particular:

Cooperate with the employer to ensure safe working conditions.

Comply with the orders and instructions regarding the prevention and protection of risks.

Immediately report situations that, in your opinion, involve risks to the health and safety of workers.

To use correctly the tools and means with which they develop their activity, means and equipment of personal protection, as well as the existing security devices or that are installed, related to its activity or in the places of work in which it develops the same one.

Communicate to the employer the health situations incompatible with their work.

Workers have the following duties:

Respect and subordination to superiors.

Respect your co-workers.

Seek complete harmony with your superiors and co-workers in personal relationships and in the execution of tasks.

They must preserve good conduct in all senses and act in a spirit of loyal collaboration in the moral order and general discipline of the University Corporation of Sucre-Corposucre.

They must carry out the works that trust him with honesty, good will and in the best way possible. Make observations, claims and requests through the respective superior and in a sound, measured and respectful manner.

Be truthful in any case.

They should receive and accept the orders, instructions and corrections related to the work, with their true intention, which is in any case to direct and perfect the efforts for their own benefit and the Corporación Universitaria de Sucre -Corposucre in general.

They must strictly observe the measures and precautions that their respective Head instructs them to handle the machines or working instruments.

They should stay during the work day at the place or place where they should carry out their work, being prohibited, except for a higher order, to go to the work of other colleagues.

Prohibitions of a worker

You must not subtract from the factory, workshop or establishment, work tools and raw materials or processed products. Without permission of the employer.

You must not present to the work in state of drunkenness or under the influence of narcotics or drugs enervantes.

You must not keep weapons of any kind at the job site, except for those with legal authorization that may be carried by the guards (D.2478 / 48).

You must not miss work without just cause of disability or without permission from the employer, except in cases of strike, in which they must leave the workplace.

You must have to intentionally reduce the pace of work execution, suspend work, promote untimely suspensions of work or excite your statement or maintenance, whether or not you participate in them.

You should not make collections, raffles and subscriptions or any kind of propaganda in the workplace.

Limiting the freedom to work or not to work, or to join or not to join a union or to remain in it or retire.

You must not use tools or tools supplied by the employer on objects other than the contracted work.


Every company has its rules as we saw are of the two parties as much as the employer as the employee, since the two are closely related and have their rights and obligations whether they have different because they are at different hierarchical levels and Likewise are also things that can not be done within a job or in working time.


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