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Actividad de Integradora aprendizaje - Inglés

Enviado por   •  12 de Octubre de 2017  •  1.142 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  619 Visitas

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4. Design your daily planner using a computer program or by hand. Use your creativity to form it. The daily planner must include at least 7 pages. Each day of the week should take one page.

5. Organize your sentences in instruction 2 according to the time and frequency you to them.

6. Write the sentences in your planner. The planner must have between 3 to 5 activities per day. You may repeat some activities you do every day but try to change at least 2 every day.

7. Present your planner to the class and describe one of your days.

8. Check the rubric in appendix 2 to know the evaluation guideline

Performance Criteria

- Organization and cleanliness.

- Development of sentences with correct linguistic structure.

- Correct spelling.

- Creativity, originality and images.

- Presentation group

Respect fellow presenting their agenda.


- Personal agenda and presentation in class.

Photo album ´´My favorite moments´´

This is the evidence for the third phase of your final Project: My life in a book. In this activity, you will creat a photo album using your favorite pictures as well as your imaginations, drawing, creativity, and language skills.

- Look for 10 pictures that you like the most about you, your family and friends.

- Write sentences to briefly describe each picture using the present continuous.

For example:

“In this picture, I am celebrating my Sweet 16 with my family and best friends”

“In this picture, my friend Laura and I are enjoying a delicious ice cream”.

- Ask your teacher to check your sentences and make any necessary corrections.

- Paste your photos and add their description bellow each one of them.

- Work in groups of four.

- Each team member shows his/her picture and explains them to his/her teammates.

- Check the rubric in appendix 3 to know the evaluation criteria.

Ricardo A. Guajardo Villarreal My favorite moments

[pic 24] [pic 25] [pic 26]

1. In this picture I am celebrating my sweet 16 with my best Friends. 2. In this picture I 'm taking a selfie with my friend jenny.

3. In this picture I'm in the lab and I 'm taking a selfie with my friend Magda.


This is the evidence for the fourth phase of your final Project: “My life in a book”. In this activity you will be in a TV food show called: “Cooking with…”. This activity will allow you to speak about all you have already learned in the past activities.

1. Work in groups of four. Choose an original name for your team and give a different name to your recipe.

3. Get ready with your recipe and all the ingredients that you bought at the Healthy Food Market. In this activity you will be assessed by your teacher. It is very important to complete your performance and to try to speak using all the vocabulary from this stage.

4. When your team is ready, your teacher will introduce you at the “Cooking with” TV show. For example, the teacher may say: “… and now, here we have! Cooking with: Veggie Pigs!”

5. Once your team is introduced, everybody should take turns to talk about the ingredients you will use for cooking. Then you continue with the explanations of each part of the recipe, including the ins- traction’s to cook all the food. And you also have to talk about the benefits of eating the kind of food from your recipe.

6. Present the dish to the class.

Good morning, this time we cook with the most famous chefs from around the whole world. small Cisneros 103, with its most famous recipe: cheesecake.

Ingredients (6 servings):

- 1 package of graham crackers.

- 2 sticks of butter.

- 1 large dairy.

- 2 eggs.

- Philadelphia 2 cheeses.

- 2 tablespoons vanilla.


1-marie biscuits the first crush them until they are fine. Then we add them one of the two sticks of butter previously discarded.

2- In a blender the dairy cream cheese, two eggs, and vanilla is ground. All good ground.

3- In a refractory fits right pulp crushed crackers, all as a bed. When reconfiguring the dough is evenly distributed is poured everything into the blender molimos.


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