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Agente de Carga Internacional Schenker oFicial

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According to the General Terms and Conditions of International Freight Forwarders of Slovenia (N.D):

The Freight Forwarder is the company or sole proprietor that carries out freight forwarding services for the Customer in the extent determined by the contract and these Terms and Conditions and all the legal successors of such a company or sole proprietor.

In summary, an international freight forwarder is an intermediary between the shipper and the consignee who offers the services of shipping the goods consolidated and acting as the operator of all transport across the logistics chain involving shipping, issuing documents that incumbent and subjecting to the Customs Law.

Requirements, Authorization y Accreditation

De acuerdo con La Ley General de Aduanas (2008) “El Estado promueve la participación de los agentes económicos en la prestación de los servicios aduaneros, mediante la delegación de funciones al sector privado.”

De acuerdo con las Disposiciones Generales en la Autorización y Acreditación de Operadores de Comercio Exterior (2016)

El operador, para la autorización al Agente de Carga Internacional para operar en nueva circunscripción aduanera debe cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en los incisos c), d), e) y f) del artículo 36° y del artículo 37º del Reglamento, y con las siguientes disposiciones:

a) Solicitud suscrita por el titular o representante legal de la empresa, pidiendo autorización para operar en nueva circunscripción aduanera, precisando la intendencia de aduana que corresponda. El agente de carga internacional debe estar inscrito en el RUC y no tener la condición de no hallado o no habido.

In order for you to create a freight agency in Peru, the application form for the registration form, you need to have a “Ruc” by legal entity and it is indispensable to have the company name, the applicant's name and surname, address where the registration is to be registered Company and the DNI by the person who represents the corporation.

b) Copia certificada notarialmente del acta de directorio o de junta general de accionistas o de socios, donde conste el acuerdo para operar en nueva circunscripción aduanera, precisando la intendencia de aduana que corresponda.

It is necessary that all shareholders sign the copy of the certificate notarially for the customs agreement also in the Testimony we will have to detail the Capital Contribution and if it is Paid in Goods or Cash, important to know this since the notary will charge them in Function to that, however the minimum that a Notary of an average level charges is S / .1300.00 including the Writing of the Testimony and the signature of the Partners as well as the inscription and delivery of the RUC of the constituted company.

c) En relación al citado inciso c), presentar copia del certificado expedido por la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil, del MTC, que acredite la inscripción del operador en el registro de agente de carga internacional de carga aérea, cuya actividad será realizada en la circunscripción en la que solicita operar.

This Manual of Organization and Functions (MOF) of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has been prepared based on Supreme Decree No. 041-2002-MTC, which approved the Regulation of Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, of which the Directorate General of Civil Aviation is a line organ.

d) Los documentos para el registro del representante legal ante la autoridad aduanera y auxiliar se detallan en el Anexo 14. Si este personal se encontrara registrado por el mismo operador en otra circunscripción aduanera, no son exigibles dichos requisitos, sólo debe designarlo en la solicitud, precisando sus cargos (representante legal ante la autoridad aduanera o auxiliar).

Documents for the registration of the personnel of the diplomatic missions, consular offices, permanent representations or international organizations need to have your copy of the DNI or foreigner's card, as the case may be, of the legal representative before the customs and dispatching authority and for the registration Of the personnel of the other operators for legal representative before the customs authority: a copy of DNI is required, document proving the appointment of the representative registered in the Public Registries and in the RUC, also you need the affidavit, the document that shows your handwritten signature And the title of Customs Agent issued by the Sunat in case of legal representative before the customs authority. In the case of the official dispatcher, a copy of the DNI, affidavit (annexed 01), a document stating the signature, a copy of the resolution of his / her appointment as an official dispatcher, and approval of the official dispatcher training course are required. In order to assist and assist the dispatcher, you also need a DNI copy, affidavit, a copy of documentation and an approved customs technique assessment.

e) La oficina del agente de carga internacional es de uso exclusivo para sus actividades.

Once you have requested, you can´t carry out the operations of other services like customs agent, warehouse, general agent, you only focus clearly on your activities of agent of load.

f) Los equipos de cómputo instalados en dicha oficina, deben estar adecuados a las especificaciones técnicas mínimas.

With regard to infrastructure, a minimum aerial flight is not required, unlike a Customs Agency. About security equipment: Those required by Civil Defense (Extinguisher, Botiquin, Signage, etc.). License of Operation and Certificate of Indeci or Civil Defense. They need Computer equipment that has as Homepage the Portal of Sunat (, these computers must have a legally purchased antivirus and finally business Telephony and Internet service (Not accepted Conventional internet that is used at home). (Annexed 02)

General Obligations

De acuerdo con las Disposiciones Generales en la Autorización y Acreditación de Operadores de Comercio Exterior (2016) “Los operadores que intervienen en los procedimientos aduaneros previstos en la Ley, el Reglamento y demás normas aduaneras, son responsables administrativa, tributaria, civil y penalmente del cumplimiento de sus obligaciones.”

De acuerdo con La Ley General de Aduanas (2008), Son obligaciones generales de un agente de carga internacional:

a) Mantener


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