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Apuntes Varios en inglés.

Enviado por   •  7 de Noviembre de 2017  •  1.100 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  356 Visitas

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b) A ship passes one kilometre from the lifeboat. F. It passes one metre from the lifeboat.

c) Pi touches Richard Parker to check that he still alive. T

d) Pi's sight returns but Richard Parker's sight does not. F. The tiger’s sight returns too

e) Richard Parker eats a man from another lifeboat. T

f) The seaweed on the island is too nasty to eat. F. The inside of the seaweed tastes good.

g) The only other animals on the island are meerkats. T

h) Pi has to leave the island because it wants to kill him. T

- What do you think? What things does Pi do to survive?

Could you survive on a lifeboat?

Probably no, because is in the middle of the sea, maybe with a lot of provisions.

Before you read

- What do you think?

a) What Happens to Pi now?


b) What happens to Richard Parker?


After you read

- Answer the questions.

a) Why is Pi hidding his biscuits under the bedclothes?

Because he was so hungry in the lifeboat, he takes any food that people offer him.

b) What else is he hidding in his bed?


c) Why doesn Mr Okamoto believe that the island was real?

Because nobody has ever seen it.

d) What is Pi's answer to this?

Pi went slowly across the ocean and looked at everything

e) Why doesn't he believe that the tiger was real?

The police haven’t found the tiger.

f) How does Pi explain what happened to the tiger?

He says you can’t see a tiger in a rainforest.

g) Who does Mr Okamoto think the man in the second lifeboat was?

The cook on the Tsimtsum.

h) How does Mr Okamoto explain the meerkat bones?

He says they were from the ship.

i) Why does Pi say this is not true?

Because there weren’t any meerkats on the ship.

- In Pi's second story, put the names in the correct spaces.

Pi Pi's mother the cook the sailor

a) The cook threw Pi a lifebelt.

b) The cook cut off the sailor's leg.

c) The sailor died and was cut into pieces by the cook.

d) Pi’s mother hit the cook.

e) The cook built the raft.

f) Pi dropped a big fish.

g) The cook broke Pi's mother's arm.

h) Pi killed the cook.

- What do you think?

a) Wich story do you prefer?

Pi's story

b) Wich story actually happened?

The wich one when Pi survives but alone


What do these words mean?

Bench: Banco

Blind: Ciego

Bone: Hueso

Cage: Jaula

Crew: Equipo

Cricket: Jugar al Cricket (Grillo)

Deck: Cubierta

Engine: Motor

Float: Flotador

Fur: Pelaje

Growl: Gruñido

Holy: Santo

Human: Humano

Paw: Garra

Pray: Orar

Priest: Cura o Pastor

Roar: Rugir

Rub: Frotar

Seaweed: Alga Marina

Sink: Lavabo

Suffer: Sufrir

Temple: Templo

Territory: Territorio

Zoo: Zoológico


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