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Conclusion sobre el uso de el corcho

Enviado por   •  5 de Marzo de 2018  •  3.570 Palabras (15 Páginas)  •  685 Visitas

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Nowadays, people do not realize the beauty of our world and people waste do not recycle the things that can be reused to good use, polluting the environment, we are wasting the nature.

In this Recycling Project, our purpose is to inform the students about the sustentable use of materials as well as reducing the consumption of these. Plastic, aluminum, paper, cardboard, glass and cork: renewable disposables for it such as it is collected.

Although today is very easy to receive information about this wonderful process, thanks for the media such as radio, newspaper, television and especially the Internet, however it shows that have those media are not enough to achieve the public awareness.

This was the main reason to start this project, to bring to the people information about the recycling process, with the purpose to awareness the important role of the nature in our lives.

Cork is an extraordinary material, with unique properties and also is a completely natural, renewable and biodegradable product, its production produces zero pollution or damage to the ecosystem, because is extracted as it is obtained by barking cork oak, without cutting any tree and the "harvest" is done every 9-12 years.


Planteamiento del problema

- ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la reutilización del corcho?

- Se puede utilizar como material de construcción por su gran capacidad aislante y el espacio relativamente pequeño en comparación con otros aislantes térmicos ecológicos.

- Es un material ecológico renovable que permite fabricar paneles de corcho.

- No es resistente a ambientes húmedos, y por lo tanto no tiene capacidad de aislamiento. Falso

- Su proceso de fabricación no daña al ambiente.

- La función natural del corcho es proteger las partes vivas del árbol que lo genera.


En guaraní los problemas


Problem Statement

- What are the benefits of recycle corks?

- It can be used as building material for their great insulating capacity and the small space compared to other ecological thermal insulation.

- It is a renewable organic material which combines cork panels.

- It is not resistant to wet environments, and therefore not capable of isolation.

- The manufacturing process does not harm the environment.

- Natural cork function is to protect the living part of the tree that produces it.


Mantener un “Ambiente Saludable”, debería de ser un compromiso de todos los individuos. Por lo tanto es una iniciativa que debemos de emprender todos juntos, asimilando que existen varias maneras de cooperar con la naturaleza de manera simple, teniendo en cuenta que utilizando diversos tipos de técnicas como reciclaje, es una forma favorable para contribuir con ello.

Teniendo en cuenta que en varios países europeos como España, Italia, Alemania, Francia, Bélgica y Holanda, una cadena hotelera se han propuesto poner en marcha un proyecto, desarrollado revestimientos con producción de corchos, con la iniciativa que se enmarca dentro del compromiso que la compañía mantiene con el medio ambiente y con el desarrollo sostenible de su actividad.

De la misma manera, observando los ejemplos y la responsabilidad la con la naturaleza, como alumnos del tercero de la media del Colegio Ingeniero Eduardo Kishi, proponemos desarrollar materiales elaborados con corchos, ejecutando una producción de productos artesanales que servirían para revestimientos de hogares y especialmente para dar una buena utilizad a objetos reciclables contribuyendo con el Ambiente.


En guara la fundamentación


Maintaining a "healthy environment" should be a commitment. Therefore it is an initiative that we undertake together, taking in that there are several ways to cooperate with nature simply, for example using different kinds of techniques such as recycling, is a positive way to contribute to it.

Considering that in several European countries such as Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium and Holland, a hotel chain have been proposed implement a project developed coatings cork production, the initiative is part of the commitment that the company has with the environment and sustainable development of its business.

In the same way, noting the examples and the responsibility with nature, as students of the 3rd year of the Engineer Eduardo Kishi's high school, we propose to develop materials made from corks, running a production of handicrafts that serve to households and especially coatings to give recyclable items contributing with the environment.

Objetivo General:

- Investigar a cerca del reciclaje, reutilización y reducción del corcho.

Objetivos Específicos:

- Recopilar informaciones acerca del corcho

- Confeccionar objetos reciclados en base al corcho

- Concienciar a las personas a cerca de la buena utilización del corcho



“El corcho se puede utilizar como material de construcción por su


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