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Enviado por   •  4 de Diciembre de 2018  •  822 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  292 Visitas

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WWF is also helping to implement low carbon energies to stop using dirty energy and fuels.

WWF even though they are changing the dirty energies they also want people that does not have it to get some by 2050 and be renewable sources, so this way we all can enjoy energy and avoid polluting.

WWF is an IGO that works with governments and private investors.

WWF is also working on reducing the impact of climate change that is affecting forests, water, etc. it encourages industries to adjust to the climate change so they will avoid bad impacts.

And last but not least they are also helping small businesses to reduce the carbon pollution and change to more clean energies and also renewable through different programs they also have such as Climate savers, etc.

Finally we want to invite you to support this movement even if it is in a small scale you can make the difference, by sharing the car with other people that have the same destination, using a bike or walk to short distances, or simply support WWF with what they are doing so we can still live on a green planet, you can just donate to them or follow their steps.

It is important for us to do something about this global issue because it affects us all, with all the CO2 produced and the greenhouse gases that are produced, if we continue to use non renewable energies and continue polluting the world where we live who know how much time can we still leave here, and if we don't do something then who will? You can start the change, everyone can start the change the real question is are you willing to do it? Are you willing to save your planet?


NASA. (2016, September 1). Global surface temperature | NASA global climate change. Retrieved September 9, 2016, from NASA Global Climate Change,

Society, N. G. (2015). Global warming causes, climate change causes. Retrieved September 9, 2016, from National Geographic,

Packwood, R. Endangered species. Retrieved September 9, 2016, from Wildscreen Arkive,



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