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Plog´s Psychographic Model

Enviado por   •  14 de Marzo de 2018  •  1.451 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  423 Visitas

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In the second stage, the development, the near allocentrics start to follow the first ones. The area begins to attract more people. They are more demanding people and the area, in order to supply that demand, begins to develop.

In the third stage the destination is growing even more, because the mid-centrics are joining the wave of tourist and they feel attracted to that destination. The number of visitants starts arriving in mass, jobs increase, hotel industry grows fast and when this site is popular already, the first two visitants had now abandoned the place, because it is well known and they had lost their interest.

In the fourth stage, the maturity- decline, the massive visitors continue arriving, restaurants and hotels pop everywhere and suddenly the place star looking the same as another one, losing its essence and now it is no longer high attractive as it was years before. Mid-centrics abandon the place and near psychocentric star to visit. The reasons why these near dependables visits are because now is cheaper for them and the place is launching packages to try to maintain its tourist product.

In the final point of the model the line decreases now and psychocentrics start to visit and visit again this place. For consequence the place began to be less lucrative, less active and the market demand decrease. This happen when the tourism authorities give more importance to the consumerism and they do not know to exploit their local attractive.


Importance of Plog´s Model

This analysis can prove many common doubts about tourist preferences, what are the motivations they have for visiting some places, the general demand and also that the monetary part have and important influence too.

It is demonstrated by Plog that those tourist who are wealthier than others can frequent a lot of places or are more allocentric that those who have regular incomes or more expenses. This means that psychographic visitors have less money and therefore they need more deals to be able to travel.

This is an important fact if we have our tourist business and also to know in which direction we want to project our tourist product as a country. Also it is important to mention that a place can have multiple tourist products for different types of travelers as the mentioned before.

We can expect according to a profile, the touristic motivations of those travelers. For example:

- Psychocentric: mass population, not doing too much

- Mid-centric: health tourism, business people, cultural places, a little bit of natural places

- Allocentric: ecotourism, extreme sports, adventure tourism


The personality traits are important when we are considering how to advertise or promote a touristic place. This model can help us to understand that the proper motivation oriented to tourists, can lead to help a place in their development phase.

The development or growth of places is important, but they run the risk of losing its authentic touristic product. To avoid this fact, the touristic associations or representatives need to research and study the many factors of the place and those things that can be used in order to become a popular but still interesting place for travel.

Also there is a strong influence of the monetary acquisition related to the typology of travelers, but the theory can be limited, because it does not matter if a person have more money to spend or not, it is a matter of choices and personality.

The diagram is similar to a rollercoaster in which you start low, then you go up faster and then down again. Marketing have a valuable implication in the model created by Plog, and because of that, we think it is important to link those two areas: tourism and marketing; and also management as well to have a control of the amount of people each year (like knowing how to do the forecasting) for control purposes or new strategies.


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