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Bussiness model Apple.

Enviado por   •  4 de Abril de 2018  •  789 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  373 Visitas

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Regarding the form in which it presented its products, we can say that it does so in a very unusual way but still effective to easily capture the attention of people. These not are the typical presentations in where only is show slides with text eh images, are mostly videos in where is show the specifications of their products. This, thanks to the unusual form of think that had Steve Jobs on the presentations of others products of other companies, has generated a great impact in the marketing of them products of Apple

Profit formula

Apple is companies with more sales at a global level, but the range of products and services offered by this company include three which are presenting the largest profit company. These are: the IPhone, the computer Mac and the App Store.

He iPhone from its launch in 2007 thanks to its new technology and its wide provision of services, represent a great innovation that is saw reflected in their sales, which it makes until today the product that generates greater profit to the company with a 58%.

In second place, have them computers Mac that represent the 20% of the utilities of the company. With the great success of the iPhone, Apple decided to put in second plane the Mac, but without losing the great quality of these. Persons or institutions who purchase this product are mostly specialists in professional software that thanks to technology and the Mac OS, the professional tasks are easier to perform.

Although it does not represent a large percentage of sales in the company, the App Store if it represents a large percentage of profit since it is only a platform that developers of any kind can offer their work. Sales made Apple Gets a percentage of the profits, and since the platform does not represent a high cost makes it a very useful service.


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