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Harry y el ministerio de magia

Enviado por   •  13 de Noviembre de 2018  •  3.327 Palabras (14 Páginas)  •  323 Visitas

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The celebrations lasted all night, Harry, Hermione and Ronald had decided to go party on their own to the three brooms, when they arrived the three friends ordered butterbeer, taking advantage of the moment Harry decided to tell them about his dream - they know guys, they do More than four nights sleep that Sirius is kidnapped in a building being tortured by Tom Riddle also see mortifagos - said Harry very worried, Hermione and Ronald were astonished at the comment of Harry - How was that building? - Hermione asked Harry to him I replied - it was a large building, inside it was a circular room where there were five doors, one of them is Sirius - there was silence until Ron interrupted them - How was where Sirius was - said rum as curious as ever, Harry answered without hesitation - it was a room full of shelves, on the shelves there were spheres with voices the truth I do not know what can be meant - - have Harry these Sure of what you wear in your dreams, "said Hermione, in an interrogative voice," this kind of thing we can not take lightly, the order of the phoenix must know-

Esa misma noche Hermione, Harry y Ronald enviaron una carta con la lechuza de Harry llamada hedwing dirigida a la orden del fénix donde decía lo que Harry había soñado.

A la mañana siguiente Harry y sus amigos se habían dado a la tarea de ir a la biblioteca para saber acerca del lugar, Hermione saco su varita e hizo levitar un montón de libros hasta donde se encontraban ellos.

Ronald tomo uno, Hermione otro y Harry también, este día se la habían pasado en la biblioteca hasta que Hermione encontró algo con la descripción que Harry les había dado, su nombre era el ministerio de magia, se encontraba en Londres, sin más tardar Hermione le dijo a Harry -el ministerio de magia ubicado en el centro de Londres donde magos de toda Europa se encargan de asuntos del mundo mágico- guardo silencio y continuo –en cuanto al departamento que nos dijiste, su nombre es el departamento de profecías-.

That same night Hermione, Harry and Ronald sent a letter with the Harry owl called hedwing directed to the order of the phoenix where it said what Harry had dreamed.

The next morning, Harry and his friends had gone to the library to find out about the place, Hermione pulled out her wand and levitated a pile of books to where they were.

Ronald took one, Hermione another and Harry too, this day had been spent in the library until Hermione found something with the description that Harry had given them, his name was the ministry of magic, was in London, no later than Hermione He told Harry - the magic shop in central London where magicians from all over Europe are in charge of matters of the magical world - I keep quiet and I continue - as for the department you told us, its name is the department of prophecies.

Durante toda una semana el trio había esperado la lechuza con la respuesta pero este nunca regreso. Harry aún seguía con sus sueños Hermione y Roldan no sabían que hacer hasta que un día por la mañana después del desayuno Harry reunió al ejército, Harry hablo – Sirios necesita nuestra ayuda, está secuestrado en el ministerio necesito ir para allá planeo hacerlo esta noche – dijo esperando que todos alzaran la mano pero nadie la levantó más que Roldan, Hermione, Neville, Ginny y por último la atolondrada Luna Harry les dije – Gracias chico loes espero en el bosque a las 8 pm -.

Al llegar las 8 pm los chicos se reunieron para hacer el cometido Harry les había dado una escoba para viajar en el pero Hermione les dijo – Debemos utilizar un medio de transporte que no sea rastreado por el ministerio, rescatemos las escobas los polvos flu y las desapariciones -, Luna dijo – utilicemos thestralls no se pueden mirar al amenos que hayas visto morir a alguien-.

Fue así como los 6 chicos viajaron en thestralls hasta Londres.

For a whole week the trio had waited for the owl with the answer but this never returned. Harry was still following with his dreams Hermione and Roldan did not know what to do until one day after breakfast Harry gathered the army, Harry spoke - Syrians need our help, he is kidnapped in the ministry I need to go there I plan to do it tonight - She said hoping everyone would raise her hand but no one raised her except Roldan, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and finally the mad Harry Luna I told them - Thanks boy I wait in the woods at 8 pm -.

Arriving at 8 pm the boys gathered to do the job Harry had given them a broom to travel on but Hermione told them - We must use a means of transport that is not tracked by the ministry, we rescue the brooms flu powder and the Disappearances, "Luna said," let's use thestralls you can not look at unless you've seen someone die. "

That's how the 6 boys traveled thestralls to London.

Al llegar al edificio la marca tenebrosa cubría el cielo, los chicos aterrizaron y entraron al sombrío edificio al entrar ahí se encontraron con el cuarto circular alrededor de todo el cuarto había 5 puertas, cada puerta conducía un departamento distinto, el primero que abrieron fue el departamento de regulación de magia menores, volvieron a cerrar la puerta y esta giro junto con las otras pero Hermione estuvo a tiempo de marcar con su varita la puerta con una varita con una Z de fuego. La segunda puerta que abrieron era la correcta solo había un problema, el lugar estaba en completa oscuridad, Harry saco su varita y exclamo – Lumus -, su varita se iluminó de manera en que pudo iluminar su camino. Los chicos recorrieron cada pasillo sin encontrar nada, hasta que Neville encontró un bulto extraño tirado en el estante 3C , Harry corrió a donde estaba Neville y para su sorpresa era Sirius el que se encontraba tirado en el suelo.

When they reached the building the dark mark covered the sky, the boys landed and entered the dark building to enter there were the circular room around the room there were 5 doors, each door led a different department, the first they opened was the Department of regulation of minor magic, they closed the door and this turn with the others but Hermione was in time to mark with his wand the door with a wand with a fire Z. The second door they opened was the right one, there was only one problem, the place was in complete darkness, Harry pulled out his wand and exclaimed - Lumus - his wand was lit so that he could light his way. The boys ran down each aisle without finding anything, until Neville found a strange bundle lying on the 3C shelf, Harry ran to where Neville was and to his surprise it was Sirius who was lying on the floor.

Pero a apenas Harry soltó a su padrino


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