Intercultural Communication Paper
Enviado por Ledesma • 20 de Noviembre de 2017 • 2.083 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 480 Visitas
Another fact in communication with technology is that if send a top secret email, that email is not safe enough because it can go viral with the technology by just a click, so the information is not safe, but if that top secret was said in a conversation face to face, that information will be more secure.
The post internet era is a very interesting topic because at first sight gives you a good impression because there are a lot of reasons why its no effective in life, but maybe is not the best that had happened to the earth and society because of some reasons we will talk later. (Castells, 2001)
Before internet, we didn’t have such things like: Instagram, Google maps/earth, Word, web sites to watch and download videos or music, forums o pages created by anybody talking about any topic of interest and lot of other things. Internet is very useful because, if you are new in a country and you are lost, you just have to go into google maps and it will tell you the exact place where you are, and tell you how to go to your destination. Also tell you where is a restaurant, where is the mall, where is the hospital, an many other places. When you want to listen to a song or watch a video, you just have to write what you want and you will get it. If you want to sell something you have the opportunities to post it in some internet page and people that are connected will see your post and maybe buy what you are selling. If you want to do search for some homework you just have to type what you are looking for and it will appear. If you want to share photos you can share it in social app like instagram, facebook and other things. If you want to meet new people you just added them in an app using internet. (Howard, 2004)
As we can see in the last paragraph, the internet is something very useful among people and some needs, but all these advantages have disadvantages. Google maps is a very useful thing to have when you visit another place or if you ere lost somewhere, but, that limitates people and make them feel relax when it comes to knowing new places or learning about the locations of places everywhere, an that’s a negative things of the post internet era. Another problem with the internet is ability of people to share things in the internet, like for example movies or music. When someone shares a movie in the internet o a song or album, they are damaging the music and cinematography business, is like they are stealing properties from someone that didn’t share it for free, and the money that artist invest on his piece of art, is know being lost because someone share illegally the album or movie.
Another barrier in the post internet era is that everybody can look for information in the internet about any topic, and at the same time anybody can upload information o any topic in the internet like for example if someone is looking for a drug for headache and he enters a website that was created by a 14 year old kid who isn’t a real doctor, the person who read the page and follow the instructions can be in risk of danger. There are things that little kids must not know until they are bigger enough to really understand it and end on a good conclusion and not being confused, but with the internet that is incontrollable because any kid can search in the internet about any topic he want, even if it is porn, because before you enter the site, the internet ask you if you are 18 or older, and there is no way to prove it so any kid can see whatever he wants and that’s a negative thing o the internet. (Druetta, 2006)
Another thing that is happening nowadays, is that in social networks, you can meet other people, but you don’t really meet them personally, first you meet them by photos and words, so in that scenario, yes you can be talking to the real person that appear in the profile picture, but also, it can be a picture of a attractive young guy, but at the other side of the screen is some crazy guy trying to fooled a young girl to meet her sometime and kidnapped her or steeled something from her. Another barrier from the internet is that there are sites where you sell things and buy them. One scenario can be you buying a good bicycle and very good shape, but another can be you buying something that in photo appear to be a new brand cell phone, but when you already paid and the product go to your house, you receive a piece of wood, o nothing, or a damaged cell phone, so in the internet you can foolish anyone very easily. (Dutton, 1996)
As a conclusion, we can say that technology is very useful to people when it comes to comunicate in some situations, but very specific situation, and there are times when you can see how technology is limitating having a good communication between the people, and with time it would get worse and worse. The internet is damaging the benefits of having a conversation face to face, reducing it to face-screen action. In the post internet era we also analyze why the internet is so useful nowadays, but more than useful it has a lot of barriers and harmful thing that comes colored as good things, so it must be used very carefully.
Castells, M. (2001). Internet and Society. La Factoria.
Druetta, D. C. (2006). ¿ Is internet a way to communicate? . Revista Digital Universitaria .
Dutton, W. H. (1996). Information and communication technologies: Visions and realities. Oxford University Press, Inc.
Fulk, J. (1993). Social construction of communication technology. Academy of Management journal.
Hirsch, E. &. (2003). Consuming technologies: Media and information in domestic spaces. Routledge.
Howard, P. N. (2004). Society online: The Internet in context. Sage.
Marcuse, H. (1941). Some social implications of modern technologye. Studies in Philosophy and Social Science.