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Perspectivas de Latinoamerica

Enviado por   •  2 de Octubre de 2018  •  1.058 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  323 Visitas

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- The Platt Amendment (1901)

- Theodore Roosevelt’s Annual Message to Congress (1904)

- Ruben Darío, “To Roosevelt” (1904)

Week Two

Reading: Stuart Easterling, The Mexican Revolution: A Short History, 1910-1920.

Lecture 4 – Mon, April 10: The Porfiriato and Prerevolutionary Mexico

- James Creelman, “President Díaz, Hero of the Americas” (1908)

Lecture 5 – Wed, April 12: The Revolutionary Decade, 1910-1920

- Francisco Madero, Plan de San Luis Potosí (1910)

- Emiliano Zapata, Plan de Ayala (1911)

- 1917 Mexican Constitution (excerpts)

Lecture 6 – Fri, April 14: Institutionalizing the Revolution, 1920-1930

- Plutarco Elías Calles, “A Nation of Institutions and Laws” (1928)

- The Socialist ABCs (1929)

Week Three

Lecture 7 – Mon, April 17: Mexico’s Cristero War

- Julia Young, Mexican Exodus: Emigrants, Exiles, and Refugees of the Cristero War (selections).

Lecture 8 – Wed, April 19: Augusto Sandino, Nicaragua

- Richard Grossman, “Augusto Sandino of Nicaragua: The Hero that Never Dies”

Lecture 9 – Fri, April 21: Paper #1 Workshop

Week Four

Reading: Julia Sweig. Inside the Cuban Revolution. (begin)

Lecture 10 – Mon, April 24: Cold War Latin America (PAPER 1 DUE)

Lecture 11 – Wed, April 26: Revolutionary Bolivia

Lecture 12 – Fri, April 28: The Guatemalan Coup, 1954

- Nick Cullather, Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954 (selections).

Week Five

Reading: Julia Sweig. Inside the Cuban Revolution. (continued)


Lecture 13 – Wed, May 3: Prerevolutionary Cuba

Lecture 14 – Fri, May 5: The 26th of July Movement

Week Six

Lecture 15 – Mon, May 8: Institutionalizing the Cuban Revolution

- Michelle Chase, “Violence and Justice in the Aftermath of the Cuban Revolution” in A Century of Revolution.

Lecture 16 – Wed, May 10: La Vía Chilena, Neoliberalism, and the Chicago Boys

- Eduardo Galeano, “The Contemporary Structure of Plunder,” in Open Veins of Latin America.

Video Clip: Machuca, 2005 (Andrés Wood, writer/director)

Lecture 17 – Fri, May 12: Cultural Revolutions: Nueva Canción and the Literary Boom

Audio Clips: Violeta Parra, “Julian Grimau” (1963) Gabino Palomares, “La maldición de Malinche” (1975) Carlos Mejía Godoy, “Comandante Carlos Fonseca” (1979)

Week Seven

Reading: Giaconda Belli, The Country Under My Skin.

Lecture 18 – Mon, May 15: Nicaragua under the Somoza Family

Lecture 19 – Wed, May 17: The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)

- The Historic Program of The FSLN (1969)

Lecture 20 – Fri, May 19: Guest Lecture by Griselda Jarquín, Nicaragua under the Sandinistas

- Ronald Reagan, “U.S. Interests in Central America” (1984)

- US Central Intelligence Agency, “The Freedom Fighter’s Manual: A Practical Guide to Liberating Nicaragua from Oppression and Misery”

Week Eight

Lecture 21 – Mon, May 22: Workers, Students, and Education

- Domitila Barrios, Let me Speak!: Testimony of Domitila, A Woman of the Bolivian Mines (selections).

- Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (selections).

Lecture 22 – Wed, May 24: Liberation Theology

- Penny Lernoux, Cry of the People (selections).

- Gustavo Gutiérrez, A Theology of Liberation (selections).



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