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Ensayo Energía Nuclear Liderazgo.

Enviado por   •  6 de Junio de 2018  •  4.114 Palabras (17 Páginas)  •  456 Visitas

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We need to communicate that vision or goal that we have as CEO’s and all the people working within the company should be clear of what are the goals of this company; to ensure and promote a safe environment and safety awareness. The identity of the company and the willingness to promote the company core values should be in every employee of the Power Plants.

[pic 3]

Figure 1: How the values are in a company [EC]

It is necessary for us as CEO’s to understand that the role of a Leader is very important when it comes to promoting the company inner values and that we must inculcate them in every employee of our Nuclear Power Plant and in our managing department. We have to be sure that the safety culture and safety awareness is deeply rooted in all of our workers so they could work in order to fulfil the missions and vision of our Nuclear Power Plant.

To follow up this values and actions we would install a KPI (key performance indicators) system that are going to be checked by some of the corporate functions (specifically the Human Resources department) and our best employees will get rewards for their work within the company core values.

A Key Performance Indicator is a type of performance measurement that evaluates the success of an organization in a particular aspect, the KPI is going to be used in our Nuclear Power Plant in order that the employees are going to raise their KPI every time that they work for the company inner values that are promoting a safe environment for all of us. [KP]

To follow up this there will be hold monthly meetings of the Human Resources Department of the company with the employees with the lowest KPI to promote and teach the company vision. Our goal is that every employee of the company identifies himself with the company and our safety politics. A CEO is a leader and if you want to be a good leader the people that follow you should be convinced that you are doing the best thing that you can for your people and in this case for your company also. The employees working so hard for the safety will improve the technical status of our plant slowly and will improve also our safety levels.

This would improve safety awareness and safety culture since our workers will work towards our mission and vision that are protecting this values. They will work in safety matters to win points in the Key Performance Indicator in order to obtain rewards and therefore, they will be improving continuously in this areas and we our Nuclear Power Plant is going to become the best plant in our safety because our workers are going to work for safety and production instead of focusing in production and effectiveness, the mistake of focusing in production and effectiveness in the Nuclear Business could lead to major disasters involving the environment and the people related to the Nuclear Power Plant.

- Changes in the Safety Review Board Department of the Nuclear Power Plant.

In NPP like in many entities, there are areas that oversee that everything goes the way it should go and that the maintenance reviews are being done. But since we had a problem with that and our Safety Review Board (SFR) was not able to detect, a change needs to be put in place. Aside from renewing some of the employees from SRB, re-train and certificate their competence there will be a strong push to follow the principles and attributes for safety published in the report by OECD/NEA on “The safety culture of an effective nuclear regulatory body” [ON]; that consist in four principles which their main objective is to: “is to ensure that, within their respective countries, activities related to the peaceful use of nuclear energy are carried out in a safe manner, consistent with appropriate domestic and international safety principles and with full respect of the environment.” [ON].

Those principles are:

- Principle 1: Leadership for safety is to be demonstrated at all levels in the regulatory body.

- Attributes:

- “Safety first” is a guiding principle in the regulatory body.

- All leaders throughout the regulatory body demonstrate a commitment to safety in their decisions and behaviours.

- Leaders create an environment for positive development of the safety culture.

- Leaders clearly define individual roles, responsibilities and authority.

- Leaders ensure that the necessary resources are available to meet the safety mission

- Principle 2: All staff of the regulatory body have individual responsibility and accountability for exhibiting behaviours that set the standard for safety.

- Attributes:

- Personal commitment to and accountability for safety from every staff member, at all levels of the organisation.

- A strong sense of collaboration and co-ordination of activities across the organisation.

- The need for moral courage and agility in doing the right thing.

- Principle 3: The culture of the regulatory body promotes safety, and facilitates co-operation and open communication.

- Attributes:

- Openness and transparency.

- Clear organisational commitment to co-operation.

- A questioning attitude, and mechanisms to raise differing opinions on regulatory decisions.

- Promotion of safety and associated knowledge.

- Principle 4: Implementing a holistic approach to safety is ensured by working in a systematic manner.

- Attributes:

- A healthy respect for the consequences of all actions and decisions taken by the regulatory body.

- Clear awareness of roles and responsibilities in relation to licensees.

- A clear regulatory framework.

- Proactivity, adaptability and a holistic approach.

- Recognition of the complexity of safety issues.

- Principle 5: Continuous improvement, learning and


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