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Enviado por   •  26 de Mayo de 2018  •  1.662 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  528 Visitas

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Otakus Survey

Sexo Edad [pic 1][pic 2]

- ¿Sabes qué es un otaku?[pic 3][pic 4][pic 5]

Si No Tal vez

- ¿Te consideras un otaku?[pic 6][pic 7][pic 8]

Si No Tal vez

- ¿Sabes de dónde proviene la palabra otaku?[pic 9][pic 10][pic 11]

Si No Tal vez

- Te consideras un otaku porque:[pic 12]

Te gusta el anime [pic 13]

Te gusta el manga

Te gustan las películas de ficción [pic 14][pic 15]

Te gustan los comics/ historietas [pic 16]

No me considero un OTAKU

- ¿Cuántas personas conoces que crees son Otakus? [pic 17]


4-10 [pic 18][pic 19]

11-20 [pic 20]


- ¿A qué edad empezaste a conocer acerca de esta índole?

10-13[pic 21][pic 22]

14-16 [pic 23]

[pic 24] 17-19[pic 25]

- Por medio de quien:

Familiares[pic 26][pic 27]

Amigos[pic 28]

Vecinos[pic 29]

Escuela/ Universidad

Por tu propia cuenta (Redes sociales, televisión) [pic 30]

8. ¿En el caso que no seas un otaku te gustaría aprender más de esta cultura? ¿Por qué?


9. ¿Qué piensas sobre la presencia de la cultura otaku en Honduras y su influencia para la población, especialmente la población joven?

Me parece buena[pic 31][pic 32]

Me parece mala[pic 33]

Me parece productiva y una forma de entretenimiento. [pic 34]

Me parece no productiva y una pérdida de tiempo.

10. Describa en cinco palabras a un otaku según tu criterio.


Results[pic 35][pic 36]

[pic 37][pic 38]

[pic 39][pic 40][pic 41][pic 42]

[pic 43]

[pic 44]

[pic 45][pic 46]

[pic 47]

[pic 48]


After applying the survey we were able to gather, identify and classify data or information in order to have our conclusions. The 55% of the survey was applied to women and 45% to men. The ages of the “surveyed” varied from ages 12 to 29. Most of the surveyed were from ages 15 and 17.

65% of the surveyed did know what an Otaku is, 25% did not know, and 10% thought they maybe knew what an otaku is. According to Table C, out of that 65% of people who knew what an otaku is, only 15% considered themselves a real one. 70% of them did not consider themselves as an otaku. 50% of the surveyed did not know where the word “otaku” came from or its origins. Only 45% knew this information.

Now, we will conclude why people think they belong to this subgroup. Or why would they consider themselves an otaku. 15% of the surveyed who considered themselves Otakus think they belong to this group because they like anime, manga, sci-fi movies and comic books. 5% like anime yet they do not think they belong to this group. A large amount of the surveyed knew only 1 to 3 people who were otakus. And only 5% of them knew more than 20 people or more than 20 of their acquaintances are otakus.

According to Table F, the place where participants learned the most about this subculture was through friends, 45% to be exact. Followed by family, by themselves and last but not least at school or university.

To finish, we concluded that the majority of the population thinks that the presence of otakus in Honduras is productive and a form of entertainment. Then it is followed by the opinion of people, who think its good, and lastly people who thinks it is not productive and a waste of time. All these information can be seen into detail in the Table G.


2. -

3.El Heraldo web page

4. Reasons for the research--->


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