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Civilian Possession of Weapons

Enviado por   •  15 de Diciembre de 2018  •  2.629 Palabras (11 Páginas)  •  288 Visitas

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Which will it be the impact of its implementation? (projections)

Colombia: In case of the 223 article of the Colombian Constitution, it’s not necessary to make changes. the decree 356 of 1994 and the 1612 of 2002 related to private security need changes. The decree 2535 of 2003 and the articles 52, 53, 54 related to the production, commercialization, exportation and importation of guns need new specifications and rules. The implementation of this agreement would significantly change the use of weapons in the Republic of Colombia, such as the reduction of illegal weapons, the increase in the number of weapons per person, the possible decrease in the import and export of weapons because of The new customs controls.

Egypt: The country suffers a lot of insecurity. The rights of citizens and its safety is in danger. Governmental organizations like military and police instead of protecting civilians are taking advantage of their power. A reform like the purpose will work. Civilians need the arms to protect themselves and families, also feeling safe. When security forces don’t achieve their work and are against the civilians like in this case, the best thing government can do is led people take power of their security. Besides in Egypt is legal the possession of weapons, it has many request to getting one. otherwise almost all Egypt civilians actually can apply to this license. The reform stated will led the approach of new laws to restrict is possible bad use, the approaching in public, and the correspond actions in case of using them, illegally or not.


This resolution could cause a positive impact in all the countries that have a conflict right now. But also can help to keep the peace all around the world and help make better relationships between the countries. This resolution could reduce gun deaths, There were 464,033 total gun deaths between 1999 and 2013. It could help to minimize the use of illegal weapons. Also the control of weapons can helped this countries to fight against the violence that is cause from the conflicts.


If this resolution were approved by all countries, we believe that the life of each country would improve even a little, since fewer armed conflicts are Evitarian and the same civilians will feel protected without the need to be vulnerable to any attack and in the same way the person who commits some crime will be punished for the crime committed, this is a conclusion to which all countries arrived as a civilian does not have the right or the Power to judge another civilian and much less act or jeopardize his life, this proposed treaty is to improve the situation of the countries, with greater security and provide peace and tranquility to our citizens.

Republic of Yemen:

This country has a civil conflict that until is not resolved and have to take issues to against it that is why the resolution like to be approve. Not only Yemen is the country affected for a civil conflicts so is the reason of the alliance between the other countries. We think all the people like to have security for own count and that is why we are in favor of the weapons. The resolution has stricts points almost impossible to break them and not going to jail, the requirements are a lot and the licence too. We will ask for a lot of things that are important for any possession of weapons. We already know how many weapons every country have and are a lot, but, the regulation of them with the results we hope going to be between 20-25 years it means the future generations probably live better than the present.

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:

The requirements made on the resolution, are the same as in Venezuela, with the exception of the necessary age to possess a weapon, we wrote in the resolution 21 years, so we would have to lower the age (in Venezuela is necessary to be 25 years old). As it has been established before, Venezuela is dealing with some issues on its society, and the President, Nicolas Maduro, prosed the repartition of weapons to the civilians, so they would be able to defend their country, this point was touched as well in the resolution, with the difference that at the end, amnesty campaigns would be created to recollect the weapons.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

According to the implementations of this agreement and the laws of current weapons given by the Saudi Ministry of Interior, it would be necessary to establish or change the duration of the licenses, since these currently last a period of 5 to 10 years, and the time agreed by each country was of each year. The solution would be to arrive at an agreed time on the part of two sides (Saudi Arabia and the other countries) in order to have better management and control of licenses and weapons. And it will help to have updated the list of people have licenses.

The bill refers to severe penalties for lawbreakers, such as the use of military or personal weapons, parts of weapons, selling or buying weapons or ammunition in order to breach internal security. These actions will have a maximum sentence of 30 years and a bond of no more than US $80.000. According to established punishment priorities, the minimum penalty must be 20 years, to life imprisonment and no bail under any circumstances. The decision for the judgement, would be under the mandate of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in agreement with the other countries. This would help to keep people who don’t respect with the established laws under arrest and to have a better handling of the use of the weapons.

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: In Afghanistan there is a series of conflicts that are largely also related to the possession of weapons in the civilian population as insecurity grows. If the resolution raised was approved by all countries, it would be satisfactory, as it could help to resolve the conflicts that exist internally in the country against radical groups and citizens, as well as to help solve some of the problems that exist externally with other countries. On the subject of the laws of the country, if they would change the established, but they would change for a good. If the resolution were not approved by all countries, it would be more difficult to combat the conflicts that are occurring in Afghanistan.

The State of Israel: Nowadays Israel has a decrease of civilian possession of weapons between 2005-2014 about 40%, but it is still in tension for the armed conflict that it has, Israel has laws that regulate this weapons, to have one you need to follow some requirements: the people need to be 27 years old, and 21 if you are a member of the armed forces, this is


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