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Institutional Leadership Liderazgo Instruccional

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El plagio es la presentación de ideas y teorías de otra persona, como si fueran propias, sin dar el crédito correspondiente.

El plagio es una violación seria en todo el mundo educativo y conlleva sanciones que incluyen F en el curso y un referido a las entidades disciplinarias de la Universidad, que podría aplicar sanciones que pueden llegar hasta la suspensión de la Universidad.

Para evitar el plagio es necesario dar crédito a todas las fuentes de información utilizadas en un trabajo escrito o presentación oral. Esto incluye información sacada del internet.



Aguilar, E. (2013). The Art of Coaching. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Christensen, C. (2015). Blended. Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools. San Francisco: Tossy Bass.

Correy, S. (2013). The 7 habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Kindle Edition.

Dufour & Marzano (2011). Leaders of Learning. Indiana: Solution Tree Press.

Flores, B. El Liderazgo Escolar y la Inteligencia Emocional ante la Crisis Social. Create Space Independent Publishing Plataform.

Fullen, M. (2014). The Principal Three Keys to Maximizing Impact. S. Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Grogan, M. (2013). The Jossey Bass Reader on Educational Leadership (3th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Gupton, S. (2010). Instructional Leadership Toolbox (2nd ed.). London: Sage.

Leithwood, K. & Seashore, K. (2011) Linking Leadership to Student Learning. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Leon, R. (2012). Practicing the Art of Leadership: A Problem Base Approach to Implement the SLLC Standards (4th ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon Educational Leadership.

Ritchart, R (2015). Creating Cultures of Thinking: San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Robinson Viviane (2011). Student Centered Leadership. S. Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Sergiovanni, T. & Starott, R. (2013). Supervision: A Redefinition. (9th ed.) New York: McGraw Hill.

Tirozzi, G. (2013). Stop the School Bus. Getting Education Reform Back on Track. S. Francisco & Jossey Bass.

Whitaker. T. & Breaux, A. (2013). The Ten Minutes in Service. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Woolfolk, A & Wayne, K. (2012). Instructional Leadership: A Research Based Guide to Learning in Schools. New York: Pearson.


21st Century Leadership: A Focus on the Presence of Success Insted of the Absence of Problems. Insight Media

Be Prepared to Lead. Toastmasters International Communications Series & Kantola Productions

Dealing with Conflict & Confrontation, I, II, III: Carreer Track Publications

Developing Professional Learning Communities: Passion & Persistence

Goldman, D. (1996) Emotional Inteligence: A news vision for educators, N.Y.

Interpersonal Communication Skills, I, II: Career Track Publications

Introduction to Leadership: Key Skills to Being a Leader: Linx

Instructional Leadership, N.Y. Insight media

Key skills for effective leadership and management (1997) CA: Addison-Wesley

Liderazgo Estilo y Circunstancia. VHS, New York: Mc’Graw Hill

Michael Fullan: Leadership and Sustainability. Corwin Press.

Preventing and Managing Stress: Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention.

Principals: Leaders and Learners: Overview of the Six Standards: Box Set. VHS. 210 minutes. Cerebellum: National Association of School Principals. Http://

Reinventing Leadership: Edwin Friedman: Guilford Publication

Resolving Conflicts in the Workplace: Kantola Productions

Respect and Responsibility: Kantola Productions

School Leadership. N.Y. Insight Media

School Sleuth; The Case of an Excellent School: PBS

Supervising for Quality. Toastmasters International Communications Series & Kantola Productions.

The Power of Professional Learning Communities. Learning Tree

Video de los Casos. Classic Leadership Cases, Hartwick College in N.J.


Iniciativas Federales

Mejoramiento de Escuelas

Carnegie Foundation

What Works Clearinghouse


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