Critical analyses of a journal article.
Enviado por mondoro • 21 de Diciembre de 2017 • 2.238 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 352 Visitas
As was mentioned earlier, disability should not be understood as an individual problem, Grant (2009) argued that it´s the society the one which has to accommodate and adapt to children with impairments. The way disabled children think about themselves is very important, and unfortunately many children with sensory impairments internalize the fact that all disabled people´s problems are originated by not having “ordinary” and “normal” bodies. If you contemplate it carefully, you can be aware that it is a really negative message which is given by our society.
In the study the findings suggest that socio-demographic variables as mother´s age and education, as well as the socio-economic level foster children´s participation and inclusion in their physical and social environments.
Indeed, it has been proved that parent´s role in special education processes of children with sensory impairments is crucial for a proper development and learning of the child. However, do all parents have a good knowledge and perception about their children´s impairments?
Lusa (2009) conducted a study about two Chinese families who emigrated from Asia to live in the United States, the aim of her article was to show how the school and the educators have to increment the cooperation with families of children with hearing impairments. The findings of the two experiences suggest that there are numerous families who have trouble aiding their children, as there are cultural and language barriers which limit an appropriate communication between the school and them. It´s really important, therefore, that the families and their children will receive the education and the adequate assistance that they need.
In the other hand, throughout Lusa´s article we can see that not everyone has same views of the causes of disabilities, people´s views of disability depends on practices and cultural beliefs, so we can argue that there are many distinct views depending on the family´s environment and the economic situation that they have.
In this way, it is really significant parent´s education in the level of participation of children with sensory impairments in school and out of school activities, but it is also crucial for schools to support with practical information and to cooperate with families about how to help their children at home, and besides, outside home. Children´s abilities can be strengthen when the same procedures and methods are used at home and at school in a coordinated way. So it seems that schools have to appreciate the relevance of the cooperation between school, family and community.
Nonetheless, why there is a really low participation in children with sensory impairments when we talk about out of school activities? In the findings of our study, which agree with those of Kara et al (n.d), it could be argued that there are a number of factors that reduce the opportunities of these children in order to participate effectively in the society. For example, there are many barriers in terms of physical activities for children with visual impairments, as they don´t have the same chances as the rest of their peers in order to participate. One of the reasons of low participation of these children is associated with the level of vision (Stuart, Lieberman, and Hand, 2006), nevertheless, there are a wide variety of other causes.
Overall, many parents have difficulties finding recreational activities, sports, or physical activities resources for their children with visual impairments. In order to achieve a good knowledge of activities which can help to build self-confidence, to make new friends and to develop social skills in their children, parents need to have a positive communication with recreational experts, physical education teachers and common teachers. In addition, teachers of children with visual impairments and physical education teachers need to work together to achieve a positive and beneficial communication.
The real problem is that often physical education teachers don´t have an adequate preparation and training in special educational needs, in regard to make adaptations and to include children with visual impairments in the normal routine of physical activities.
According to Joale et Elaine (2015) and thanks to their studies, we can argue that many children with visual impairments are not included in Physical Education classes as a consequence of negative attitudes and outlooks by physical education teachers. Teacher´s fears about children´s injuries and risks, prejudice ideas and low expectations about different success between children with visual impairments and other children at physical activities, play an important role by diminishing the participation of children with impairments.
Furthermore, generally we believe that the physical activities are often traditionals and they don´t enable the inclusion of children with impairments. Beep baseball, Goal ball, blind soccer, tandem biking or running blind are some of the sports which can be used in typical classes of PE, as well as making the equipment and materials used, easily recognizable for everyone (Louis M. Tutt, Lauren J. Lieberman, and Bob, 2012). Adaptations of physical activities for children with sensory impairments need to be made, equality in diversity is fundamental for the existence of social equality in our world.
In closing, the analyzing study which had to be criticized, focus on the participation of children with sensory impairments in out of school activities. The author highlights the fact that further information should be the basis for creating programs and strategies that will allow the children´s development in their settings or environments. It has to be admitted that the current study is still far away from being convincing and objective. Thus, more studies must be carried out, better measures must be elaborated, and more representative samples must be used to improve our understanding of the participation of children with sensory impairments in out of school activities.
The findings of the study analyzed supply knowledge and understanding about the importance of being conscious about the fact that participation of children with sensory impairments doesn´t depend just on the level of a child´s impairment, but it also depends on the environment where the child has grown up and lives.
Therefore, it seems that there is a lot to improve, to achieve an inclusive model, so children with sensory impairments could develop their abilities and skills in a place where their limitations are considered and respected, in order to support their real inclusion in our society. To achieve equal experience and access in