La estrategia corporativa en los proyectos
Enviado por Ledesma • 24 de Octubre de 2017 • 2.056 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 674 Visitas
La alta gerencia durante mucho tiempo ha sido reconocida por su importantancia, pero los entregables de la gestión de proyectos tienen poca o ninguna orientación para los altos directivos. Gran parte de los consejos hacia los altos directivos son de palabra (Emery, 1990; Izzo, 1987; Jarvenpaa e Ives, 1991; Lederer y Mendelow, 1988; Schmitt y Kozar, 1978). Este es un gran problema ya que la realimentación ayuda la alta gerencia ya que es uno de los factores más importante para el éxito del proyecto y la implicación es que gran parte de nuestra investigación actual puede ser mal dirigida (Young y Jordan, 2008).
Conceptualmente, la diferencia de énfasis entre los altos directivos y gerentes de proyecto no debe ser un problema. La preocupación de los altos directivos esta amarrado con la estrategia, lo cual a su vez guarda mucha relación con el concepto de éxito del proyecto: alcanzar los objetivos corporativos que dieron inicio a la necesidad. La bibliografía de administración incluye cada vez mas a los proyectos para la realización de la estrategia, y a su vez, la bibliografía se relaciona cada vez más con la aplicación de la estrategia (Kwak y Anbari, 2009) y de la literatura de gestión de proyectos aboga fuertemente por proyectos alineados con el cumplimiento de la estrategia (Jamieson andMorris, 2007; Pellegrinelli y Bowman, 1994). Cuando los proyectos fallan, uno debería esperar que la estrategia se viera comprometida, sin embargo, en la práctica, los altos directivos no tiene las mismas preocupaciones que los directores de proyectos, quienes tienden a centrarse casi exclusivamente en el éxito de gestión de proyectos (tiempo y presupuesto). El contraste puede ser análogo al capitán de un barco mirando en la distancia con un telescopio tratando de comunicarse con un científico mirando por un microscopio. El punto de vista estratégico la alta dirección visto a través de un telescopio no tiene casi ninguna superposición con la opinión de los administradores de proyectos igualitarios abajo de su microscopio.
The case study research methodology:
State of Victoria represents a single exemplary
individual Agencies represent embedded units of analysis
The research questions on the role of projects and the adequacy of investment frameworks
The boundaries between project outputs and organisational strategic outcomes
Rigour will be maintained through three mechanisms: (1) a basis for generalisation, (2) the quality of
researcher, and (3) the data gathering procedures and protocols.
- a basis for generalization
Literature. The broad propositions are that ‘strategy is implemented through projects’ and ‘best-practices to facilitate the implementation of strategy’.
Comparing Agencies within the State of Victoria, an example of best practice and if issues are found, it will be reasonable to conclude that the issues will be more wide spread.
- the quality of researcher
Assurance that the right questions have been asked and that the interpretations are valid.
All the researchers have held senior management positions outside academia and have firsthand experience of how strategy is formulated and implemented in practice.
One researcher also has very detailed knowledge of the Victorian public sector as a senior public servant.
- the data gathering procedures and protocols.
Assurance that all the relevant information was gathered and that the method was rigorous and repeatable
Easy-The Australian public sector information is generally publicly available.
VAGO has an intimate knowledge of the workings of government and knew that the majority of information needed to perform the research was publically available. They recommended data
gathering simply through internet based searches of Victorian Government Agency websites
The research was sponsored by a VAGO senior manager that provided an initial briefing and then ongoing access to both himself and his direct reports for feedback on findings
The sponsor also arranged and attended interviews with the two most senior employees within the Victorian Agencies
The sponsor also arranged for VAGO senior management to formally review the research findings.
Most of the key documents were found on one website (Treasury) and the other key documents were easy to find on Agency specific websites:
• Treasury budget papers detailing funding by project:
• Treasury mandated investment methodologies o Methodologies detailed whole-of-Victorian- government requirements on: How to apply for funding, Reporting requirements for project portfolios, benefits realisation, and monitoring and maintenance of assets.
• Agency website information such as: Annual reports, Strategic plans
The results will present data to evaluate whether the project management and investment frameworks are adequate within the Victorian public sector.
The first section will answer the first research question: are projects funded to achieve strategic goals?
The second section will present evidence that the strategic goals have not been realised despite more than a decade of intensive project investments
The third section will review the project management and investment frameworks in use and concludes that they correspond to best practice.
Strategic objective of the State of Victoria: to create an environment that increases the capacity of the State to compete in the context of globalisation.
The 2008–09 Budget stressed that their long term commitment to project investments would have to be maintained and strengthened because long term trends exacerbated by the global financial crisis (GFC) were particularly challenging.
1992 and the 10-year