Necesidades fisionomicas.
Enviado por Eric • 7 de Abril de 2018 • 2.952 Palabras (12 Páginas) • 271 Visitas
President: (Hits table) How did that happened? Where was the Secret Service?
Danny: I don’t have full details sir. But we are doing everything to know exactly what happened and where she is. CIA is working on this as a high priority case.
President: Well, thanks Agent. Keep me posted.
Danny: Of course Mr. President.
(Danny walks out of the room. The President dials a number at his desk phone. Agent Fuentes answers his phone)
Agent Fuentes: Yes Mr. President?
President: I’m hearing that my daughter has been kidnapped. Is it true?
Fuentes: Yes Mr. President, it is. An armed group irrupted at the party earlier today; they killed many of our men and took her. We are working along with the CIA and investigating the crime scene.
President: Keep me notified at any advance in the investigation.
Fuentes: I will.
(Hangs up and dials a number on his cellphone)
Gaviot: CIA, how can I help you?
Fuentes: I’m a secret service agent; I need to communicate with Agent Danny.
Gaviot: I’ll connect you right now.
(Danny picks up phone)
Danny: Yes?
Fuentes: Sr., is there any advance at the investigation?
Danny: We have Blake Callaghan as a suspect. His car matches with the description of the kidnappers and was found on a river about 20 minutes earlier. He’s been on jail 2 times now. I’ll send a picture into your phone right now.
(Fuentes looks at the photo)
Fuentes: Callaghan… I know where to find him (Hangs up)
(A car parks in front of a house and Fuentes comes out of it. He jumps the siege with gun on hand. He opens the door and finds Big Sam.)
Fuentes: Still! Hands in the air!
(Machete and Blake are in the kitchen and Blake shuts her. He gives her a shotgun. They both come out.)
Machete: Who are you!?
Blake: Fuentes?
Fuentes: (Pointing at both of them) Blake, I need to speak to you.
Blake: I know you work for the CIA. Drop your weapon.
Fuentes: (Slowly putting his weapon down) I will, just listen to me…
Blake: Sam, tie him up.
(Sam ties him up)
Blake: Tape his mouth and take him to the other room.
(Sam does, and then comes out again.)
Sam: If he is here, then the CIA must know we are here men, we need to get out of here.
Blake: I know, but we can’t. We need to hope the best.
Sam: I’m not staying here waiting for the CIA to come. I’m leaving.
Machete: Sam, don’t! (Points the weapon into him)
Sam: Are you going to threaten me? I’m your partner!
(While they’re discussing, Suzy takes the tape out of Fuentes mouth.)
Suzy: I’ll untie you, just don’t speak.
Machete: I’ll do whatever it takes for you to stay here. We are finishing this together!
Blake: Stop! Sam, you are staying. Machete, put it down.
Sam: I can’t handle this. I’m out.
(Sam turns around when Fuentes kicks the door. He shoots at Machete’s leg and Blake and Sam runs out of the house.)
Fuentes: Freeze!
Sam: No!
(Fuentes chases them at foot until he loses them. He then runs back at the house where he founds Machete crawling out of the house. He approaches walking and kick the shotgun out of her hands.)
Fuentes: Suzy?
Suzy: I’m fine!
(He then sits Machete at a chair and ties her into it. He dials a number at his phone.)
Danny: Fuentes?
Fuentes: I found her. She is safe, but two of the kidnappers escaped. Track the call for location.
Danny: On it.
(Fuentes closes his phone. He stares at Machete for a while.)
Fuentes: Who do you work for?
Machete: Why should I work for somebody?
Fuentes: You expect me to believe that you three planned this by your own?
Machete: I don’t expect you to believe anything.
(Fuentes presses her wound, she moans. He comes closer to her ear.)
Fuentes: We don’t have time for your games. Either you tell me who your boss is, or I will press this wound so hard (Presses harder, she moans harder) that your leg will rip off.
Suzy: Please stop!
Machete: Ok ok, I’ll tell you…
(Sirens hear from the outside.)
Fuentes: Tell ME!
Machete: He’s f-f-from the i-inside, L-l-l...
Carl Blackmore: Agent! Let her go, she is CIA property!
Fuentes: But she’s talking!
Carl: David, take both of them to the car.