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Resumen de hernia inguinal

Enviado por   •  1 de Abril de 2018  •  928 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  380 Visitas

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An internal hernia is a protrusion of parietal peritoneum and abdominal viscera such as a loop of intestine or greater omentum through a weakness in the inguinal region of the anterior abdominal Wall inguinal hernias are more common in males because the internal canal and superficial inguinal rings are larger than in females to facilitate the passage of the spermatic cord through the in grinnell canal there are two types of in little hernias direct and indirect more than two-thirds are indirect direct inguinal hernias are acquired often resulting from excessive intra-abdominal pressures while straining past medial to the inferior epigastric vessels through the internal triangle a relatively weak region between the inferior at the gastric vessels rectus abdominis and the inguinal ligament are contained within a hernial saccovered by peritoneum and transfer Salus faccia usually traverse only the medial third of the inguinal canal exit the England canal through the superficial inguinal ring outside of and lateral to the spermatic cord and rarely enter the scrotum conversely indirect inguinal hernias are congenital and more common pass lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels through the deep in 10 ring are contained within a hernial saccovered by the peritoneum of a persistent processes vaginalis and all three fascial coverings of the spermatic cord how's through the internal canal exit the England on canal through the superficial in window ring inside and often anterior or medial to the spermatic cord and commonly enter the scrotum or labium ages palpation of the internal region allows the examiner to diagnosis hernia and also to distinguish between the different types the superficial inguinal ring is palpable super lateral to the pubic tubercle and the presence of hernia may be detected by asking the patient to cough causing the hernia to protrude while palpating the ring this establishes the presence of a hernia but does not distinguish the type because both types exit the superficial inguinal ring to distinguish the type of hernia the deep in bernal ring and internal triangle should be examined the deep internal ring can be found superior to the internal ligament to 24 centimeters super lateral to the pubic tubercle a protrusion here indicates an indirect inguinal hernia to diagnose a direct inguinal hernia the examiner assesses the internal triangle medial to the deep in Widow ring a protrusion here is indicative of a direct inguinal hernia both direct and indirect inguinal hernias are treated by surgically returning the herniating mass viscera or momentum to the abdominal cavity and reducing the dimensions of the canal and or internal rings often overlaying the internal internal ring or internal triangle with a reinforcing synthetic mesh to prevent future herniation.


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