Enviado por klimbo3445 • 2 de Mayo de 2018 • 1.612 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 511 Visitas
Chemistry is everything that covers our reality, it is essential for the development of human beings in the context of daily and turn in the scientific area, for the progressive advance of it. Chemistry is the central science in today's society is sustained. All activities that we perform daily predominated observed a greater or lesser extent. However, if anyone is consulted by the impact that has the chemical in their lives, the usual answer is a little or nothing, and, in most cases negative (pollution, mutation of food, global warming, among others).
Without chemistry we would not exist, because all of us are made of chemical elements at the same time leads to the formation of compounds derived fundamental for creating and sustaining life, and even more through metabolism, in which we acquire energy and substances that help us to live. This science it is also called multidisciplinary because it relates to other areas of knowledge in which are mathematics, astronomy, biology, physics, etc. Because of this correspondence it can expose and understand the phenomena occurring in the environment. This relationship is essential for other sciences, transforming it into the main science, because it provides different fields of knowledge can cope, and dealing with basic notions of chemistry.
For example, in physics, chemistry studies the interaction between the elements that occur in the main forces of nature and the elementary principles of physical phenomena.
In biology, a chemical analysis of the elements of living beings and then express their biological functionality is performed; this is known as biochemistry. A detailed explanation of biological phenomena that have a chemical basis is given. The development of processes to establish the behavior and function of the hardest cellular elements until the decoding of the human genome.
In the medical area, chemistry helps to understand whether drugs are beneficial or harmful to health by studying their properties; the design and drug development.
In ecology, metabolic and functional processes depend are subjected to chemical reactions. In astronomy, what today it is called Astrochemistry is expanding chemical processes to the planets and phenomena in the universe.In mathematics, the use of formulas, theorems and chemical laws. Calculating also a number of chemical phenomena, for example, the stoichiometry is intrinsically linked with the proportions by which a chemical reaction is executed. Nanotechnology appears as a new science in the twenty-first century, as it involves developing materials as elements having particles (atoms). The material consists of atoms, but to form these materials, these atoms must be bound either by metal or ionic bonds. Behold, chemistry plays an important role as employment training aid of these components.
In the industrial system, chemicals have the function of constituting the part of the manufacture of various products of daily use, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and machinery. Essentially in the industry, the chemical components are the root or the main material, through where different products are made with various functions to facilitate or improve the lives of human beings; for example, the production of medicines that are essential to prevent and cure diseases; any activity performed in the industrial environment is based on physical or chemical methods.
But these businesses are deeply linked to the damage to the nature, as in the preparation of these multiple chemicals products that are harmful to the natural ecosystem, action that must be prevent the preservation of the same.
In itself, chemistry determines the way we live and without its presence, the lifestyle that humans currently apply would become archaic, ie, without medicine, without transportation, without electricity, no drinking water, without media. That is why the chemistry helps to know the different areas of science. The development of chemistry assists us to improve our way to coexist in several aspects from the way we eat even ecosystem conservation and will be of great long-term importance to face such serious complications such as weather change. This manifests deep way and leads to reflection of how important it assumes currently studying chemistry and which over the years will increase the knowledge that exert influence on the lifestyle in which we will live.
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