Enviado por Rimma • 22 de Noviembre de 2018 • 2.105 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 497 Visitas
- ¿Aplicar la norma ISO 9001:2015 convierte la organización en una empresa esbelta?
- ¿Puede llegar una empresa a no generar desperdicios en sus procesos?
- ¿Antes de calcular el valor Sigma del proceso que factores toman importancia?
- ¿En qué nivel debe estar la participación de los recursos para las 5S y six sigma?
- ¿Qué pasa cuando las mediciones no representan el valor sigma?
Quality in organizations has an impact on any area that is part of it, also as a general rule, in the same way, every area influences impacts on the quality of the processes, products and / or services it has, the parable Which expresses the book "Six Sigma" by Barbara Wheat demonstrates this need for global participation on quality in a company, making visual the problems that can find an organization in the mismanagement of quality, moving manufacturing processes away from the administrative processes , Containing a high degree of waste in the processes and distancing the organization from the utopian ideal of being a "Lean Company", however that is where the road to Quality begins, and that is where the intervention of the actors of The top management to solve that, because knowing the problem is half the solution in search of quality, it should be pointed out immediately It is necessary to evaluate technically and scientifically the solutions that give firm step to follow the quality, that is to say to turn into a cycle PHVA to everything that is immersed in The dynamics of an organization taking into account the need for the participation of each resource, that intervention turns the problems into foci of analysis where in many cases relevant the help of external entities to the company as a consultant or an auditor.
Waste is normally present in seven types such as overproduction, correction, inventory, processing, movement, transport and waiting, the purpose sought for a lean company is to identify these types of waste and eliminate them in its process, here comes the first tool when inserted The concept and dynamics of the "five eses (5S)" where the application of this tool becomes a starter motor towards the search for quality, which brings immersed the reduction of costs and efficiency in processes, qualities Important for the organization converted into the goals to be achieved, 5S can be taken as a list check reference of what to do and have in the organization, therefore what this tool suggests should be applied and accommodated in the processes, So the company must comply with the 5S with Sieving, Sorting, Sweeping and Washing, Standardization and Self-discipline, to Good application and good results on the use of this tool the commitment of the human resource of the organization becomes the strong and important element here, because the enthusiasm makes this collaboration make the change that solves their problems from a participation Internal, having visible changes in a short term for the first three S, Sieving, Sorting, Sweeping and washing, likewise having a characteristic to acquire accommodating in search of reaching the standardization and self-discipline, which are the last two S, In the parable of the book this tool had a high degree of participation of the human resource, in an arbitrary initial conditions of this same, to collaborate, where it was foreseeed difficult immersion of this resource by the discomforts and low satisfactions that had as internal clients Of this organization, however the purpose was reached for Sam and SG inc. Being impartial and giving participation to each person of the human resource where the problematic of coexistence defective, the interaction between the resource immersed in the manufacturing and the resource immersed in the administration was diverted and harmonized, since it was based that the applicability of 5S not only Was relevant to manufacturing but also at the same level to address the administration, here began with a good organization of the area of work, waste disposal and timely provision of tools, compliance in this process led to the human resource to perform the delineation and The painting of his work area compromised and with satisfaction of the realized because the conditions pointed to the visible improvement, where his daily work became easy, comfortable and a little faster. However, the problem of bottlenecks did not go away without the application of the concept of the "Six Sigma" in search of harmonizing times and capacities of the productive process of manufacture, where the applicability of this tool in the same way to the 5S pretend participation Of the human resource with the novelty of Measurement, analysis and decision making on the part of the Top Management, for that Six Sigmas are delimited in the concept of function dependent of factors that is to say Y (x) = (x1, x2, x3 ... Xn), where it is resolved to understand the dynamics of the results of a process by the influence of factors that change the result with its variations, methodologically solving the problem with the steps of MAMC Measurement, Analysis, Improvement and Control, attending these results in an experimental design (DE) ie in a Technical and scientific study, where the measurements come to take importance when wanting to be representative of the reality, therefore requires an analysis of the measurement system (ASM) that provides reliability to the process and that contains the characteristics of repeating and reproducing the results ( R & RM) in addition to the fact that the measurements have an analysis of variance (ANOVA) according to reality, this is where the Six Sigma process becomes abstract and representative of the reality and the current conditions of the process, where a lean company seeks Accommodate each process above 1.5 sigma of deviation with the goal of fine-tuning all its processes towards the reach of the 6 sigmas and And standardize their results.
The correct applicability of these tools makes quality visible in the processes and therefore the certification of this quality in an organization that governs its activities under the norm ISO 9001: 20015 supports in the same way a quality in its product representing reduced production costs And increased customer satisfaction, ie a lean company where no waste is generated in their processes and are effectively