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Enviado por   •  16 de Abril de 2018  •  835 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  287 Visitas

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Esa noche Ulises dejo en su taller de pintura un bastidor armado y las pinturas preparadas para no perder tiempo en la mañana siguiente. Al despertar el joven hace uso de la habilidad que le ha aportado la vida y retrata a Elena nuevamente pero esta vez ella sostenía un papel con la formula y la cura.


In the last years of this century due to multiplex experiments by humanity in the fields of science, medicine and marketing of altered products, most people have developed diseases that shorten their days of life, and this has led to the humanity to a state of decay, where healthy are isolated leaving the sick in their drift, but on the other hand, in the community of sick some people have developed some unusual abilities, skills that give hope and are the result of life refusing to disappear using evolution to endure. Hearing this you could say that it has found a way out of this state in which humanity finds itself, but this far from the reality of life, it is a nightmare for people who have these skills. These should be kept hidden because these changes in people has also given rise to an organization that devotes her days to identify and capture these people to experiment with them, This organization belongs to the healthy part of the population that seeks to ensure peace of mind .

It is in this chaotic world where the story of Ulysses and Elena develops.

Ulysses belongs to the community of patients and is a talented artist who just realized that has the ability to paint small moments of the future, in one of these paintings portrays Elena a beautiful young woman who does not yet know but that is about to do so by the appropriate coincidences of life.

Elena has dedicated his life has to understand the disease that afflicts most of humanity putting his life in danger because the organization does not allow it because they want to maintain complete control of the situation, in one of their risky search for information known Ulysses who also sought to understand who this beautiful girl. After a long talk Ulysses and Elena realize the risks involved in this meeting but offered multiple opportunities and decide to devise a plan to end this chaos without the organization might interfere.

Ulises leave that night in his paint shop armed frame and paints prepared to lose no time in the morning. Upon awakening the young makes use of the skill that has brought life and portrays Elena again but this time she held a paper with the formula and cure.


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