Enviado por adriiii • 6 de Agosto de 2021 • Trabajo • 1.849 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 1.521 Visitas
FICHA 2176083
BALANCE SHEET: It reflects the structure of a company and has information regarding a company’s assets, liabilities and available capital. This information is presented at the end of a reporting period or on an annual basis.
HOJA DE BALANCE: Refleja la estructura de una empresa y tiene información sobre los activos de una empresa, pasivos y capital disponible. Esta información se presenta al final de un informe período o sobre una base anual.
CASH FLOWSTATEMENT: Itindicates cash flowchanges (inflows and outflows) over a particular period of time. The main purpose of Financial Statementsisto provide information on a business’ currentfinancial position, performance and changes in itsfinancial position to a wide range of users, in order to support and guide managementdecision-making
ESTADO DE FLUJO DE EFECTIVO: Indica los cambios de flujo de efectivo (entradas y salidas) durante un período de tiempo particular. El objetivo principal de los Estados Financieros es proporcionar información sobre un negocio posición financiera actual, el rendimiento y los cambios en su posición financiera a una amplia gama de usuarios, con el fin de apoyar y guiar la toma de decisiones de gestión
FINANCIAL INDICATOR OR RATIO: A financial ratio or indicator is a relative magnitude of two numbers selected from the financial statements of a company. As the financial statements themselves, it is used by administrators or project stakeholders to interpret and evaluate financial performance. The financial performance indicators are grouped into: - Use - Profitability - Liquidity - Financial structure - Investment
INDICADOR O PROPORCIÓN FINANCIERA: Un índice o indicador financiero es una magnitud relativa de dos números seleccionados de los estados financieros de una empresa. Como los estados financieros en sí mismos, se usa por los administradores o partes interesadas del proyecto para interpretar y evaluar el desempeño financiero. Los indicadores de desempeño financiero se agrupan en: - Utilizar - Rentabilidad - Liquidez - Estructura financiera – Inversión
Price In general it’s the value given in exchange for transfer of ownership as it’s the essence of comercial transactions. Three main parties take part in the process: the buyer, the seller and the competition. Price is the first and more relevant component of the classic “4 Ps” of marketing (Price, Product, Placement and Promotion).
PRECIO En general, es el valor dado a cambio de la transferencia de la propiedad, ya que es la esencia de transacciones comerciales. Tres partes principales participan en el proceso: el comprador, el vendedor y la competencia. El precio es el primer y más relevante componente del clásico "4 Ps" de marketing Producto, Colocación y Promoción)
PRICING STRATEGY KEY Pricing is usually affected by your product design, channel, and promotional activities. Take a look at the following chart and observe how different companies set their prices according to their profiles and needs.
ESTRATEGIA DE PRECIOS CLAVE Los precios generalmente se ven afectados por el diseño de su producto, el canal y las actividades promocionales. Eche un vistazo a la siguiente tabla y observe cómo diferentes compañías establecen · sus preciosde acuerdo a sus perfiles y necesidades
IS BUDGET A Sales Budget is a must forall companies, even forthesmallest businesses, becauseit is the basis formaking accurate financial decisions and a goodplanningprocess
ES PRESUPUESTO Un presupuesto de ventas es imprescindible para todas las empresas, incluso para las empresas más pequeñas, porque es la base para tomar decisiones financieras precisas y un buen proceso de planificación.
A meeting of executives of the Company with love with the Manager Adriana martinez, the director of marketing jose forero and the financial director Andrés sanchez is scheduled in the meeting room on work day to create the Sales Budget
Jose Forero Good morning, Mr. Andrés sanchez and Dra. Adriana, we have to start with the preparation of the Sales Budget. I need to plan the base strategy of that Budget.
Adriana martinez In fact we have met with Andrés Sanchez to help us in the preparation of said Budget.
Adriana martinez In fact we have met with Andrés Sanchez to help us in the preparation of said Budget.
ndrés Sanchez Dr. Adriana, what budget do we have for this planning?
Adriana martinez The estimated budget for this year is one hundred and fifty million pesos that were established in previous committees.
Jose Forero What analysis do we have for our Budget ?, because we must take into account the Price of our service as well as the competition.
Andrés Sanchez We have historical data, market trends, sector sales, competitor sales. We need to conduct the surveys to obtain the information with the purchase intention, purchase frequency and average expenses of the customers.
Jose Forero I am in charge of the survey design and the tabulation with the respective analyzes.
Adriana martinez Very well, we have a very valuable work team, we will meet in two days to give time to apply the action plan and design our sales budget and thus be able to establish the prices with which we will enter the market
Jose forero is a commitment that we have not only with the company but also with our families and the families of our other employees, we all have obligations and part of them we correspond with our positive results
Adriana martinez seems perfect to me in two days we will bring a weighted to see if the sales strategy we have produces positive results
Andres sanchez any other idea that you can think of to generate more sales is welcome for this reason is that we do these meetings to share ideas and enrich ourselves in knowledge