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TIPOS DE EQUIPOS Tipos de equipos inmersos en trabajo intelectual

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- Transportation crews are work groups that operate a specialized machine or vehicle (e.g., train, airplane, or ship) to transport people or cargo from one place to another. Their primary mission is to arrive safely and on time. Hardware dependence is obviously very high for these teams, as their mission cannot be accomplished without a functioning vehicle.

- The technological capabilities and operating parameters of the hardware are well known, and transportation crews operate in a highly structured task environment where members have formal roles and responsibilities associated with the operation of a particular feature of the machine. Indeed, the relatively standardized task environment often allows crew members to operate without substantial interaction or even knowledge of their coworkers.

- At the same time, associated health risk is usually high for transportation crews in that they operate in hazardous natural environments that could pose serious danger to themselves (and any human passengers) should problems arise in route. Major accidents involving the loss of life occur infrequently, but they often constitute front-page news when they do.


- Although generally included in broad categories pertaining to action and performance, sports teams differ in several important respects from other types of action–performance teams. Perhaps the most striking contextual attribute of sports teams is their extremely well defined task.

- More than any other team type, sports teams operate in an environment where the collective goal is clear and shared (i.e., winning), and elaborate rules as well as formal judges exist to define and constrain the manner in which the outcome is determined. Roles tend to be only moderately specialized, and they overlap considerably in terms of associated behaviors and skills, often allowing team members to play multiple positions. At the same time, many sports teams include one or more key roles that are quite distinct from the others and require highly specialized abilities (e.g., goalie, pitcher, or quarterback).

- Sporting engagements take place in real time where seconds count and are structured in alternating sequences of possession or initiative for the two teams. The coordination of member efforts is vital and usually achieved through extensive individual and collective training. A unique feature of sports teams is the distinctive role of the coach, an individual with high levels of power and influence who is capable of having a tremendous impact on team effectiveness.

- Sports teams are also characterized by active resistance in the form of competing teams and a moderate level of health risk, which varies somewhat by type and professional level of the sport. Because winning is the direct result of beating an opposing team, the quality of the competition is a key element in understanding and modeling team effectiveness.


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