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Enviado por   •  18 de Junio de 2018  •  2.149 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  336 Visitas

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The reality of the settlers of the zone San Felipe de Seque sector 7 shows precariedades as its life, one of the causes is the such neighboring lack of suitable information and direction to its authorities or leaders like a. This generates absence of ocal participation, which implies a reduction in its organization and demands like the lack of the basic services that is an element essential to live like a suitable communication well. Another adverse factor is not the citizen insecurity, the absence of the police control, does not count on a health center, count either on public transport, among others. All this generates insecurity, distrust, displeasures, discords and little interest on the part of the neighbors.

Of such way It is understood to the citizen security, like the preoccupation of the quality of life and the human dignity in freedom terms, social access to the market and opportunities that have like main paper and meaning avoiding a violent aggression against physical integrity and, mainly to be able to enjoy and to circulate calmly around the streets, without to be assaulted fear.

In order to come the investigation one was used the following techniques: participant observation this means that some in its activities of meeting was no intervention we participated with the only observation instrument, the questionnaire being a necessary technique of knowing specific and concrete problematic or the necessities of our population, the interviews we used this technique with the objective to obtain data or manifestations of opinions beliefs, customs of our investigated population and finally life histories are centered in winch to an individual, that relates its experience and trajectory of life, being the only strategy that perceives the subjective world of the person, with respect to the interpretations of the contexts in which it is.

To start off to consider the design as the planning of the application of the methods used in the investigation we can divide the investigation at moments:

First moment: At a first moment we will use the following methods: deductive like a referential method that allows us to order the structure of the work. And the inductive method to determine the particular cases that they happen in the population investigated like also studying the small aspects.

Second moment: We will use other two methods, analysis and synthesis. The analysis to disturb, to disintegrate or to separate the studies of the case. And the synthesis to concretize the work of the investigation.

Third moment: At a third moment we will use the investigation action that will help us to that the investigation is complemented with the practice (action).

Luis Ramiro Beltrán in its test: “A Good bye to Aristotle” makes a contribution on the Horizontal Communication in which it argues the following thing; “that everybody must right to the communication with the effective exercise of the right to receive messages and at the same time to emit them, since it is an individual natural exigency, as a requirement of the social exigency on the use of the resources of the communication to share exigencies and is by means of the dialogue that gives rise to the democratic interaction and to the participation of the horizontal communication”





Descripción del problema comunicacional…………………………………………....…3

Tabulación de la encuesta realizada, en la

zona San Felipe de Seque sector 7………………………………………………….....…4 Antecedente…………………………………………………………………….…...……8

Formulación del problema…………………………………………...………………….10



Objetivo general………………………………………………………………...............11

Objetivo específico………………………………………………………………...........11

Enfoque metodológico de la investigación……………….................................................………………..……........11

Estrategia metodológica………………………………………………...…….…...........11



Inductivo- Deductivo……………………………………………………………………13

Análisis síntesis………………………..……………………..………………...…….…13

Investigación acción……………………………....................................……...….....…14

Técnicas empleadas en la investigación…..........................................…….......…….…15

Observación participante…………………………………………………….….............16

El cuestionario…………………………………………………………….…….............16

Las entrevistas…………………………………………………..………………............17

Las historias de vida........................................................................................................17

Diseño de la investigación...............................................................................................17



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