Children as sleves.
Enviado por Jillian • 9 de Marzo de 2018 • 950 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 315 Visitas
Christmas a child US only toys.
As the rich are few, the market for multinationals is small. Then they must compete fiercely, sweeping away a century of struggles in defense of labor rights. Eager costs getting lower day, move production to countries where unemployment is high and where poverty pushes people to accept working conditions nineteenth century schedules and exhausting rhythms, corporal punishment, mass layoffs, police repression in case union activity ... and the work of children. Third World entrepreneurs educated in Europe, considered more lucrative hire children because they are more submissive, strikes do not bother and left lay unclaimed. Thus, the sale of children or home work is the result of an economic equation, parents are not hired and are forced to hand over the children; and therefore there perversion of 55 million unemployed adults in India and 55 million working children is given.
All this is hypocritically makeup by companies. Reebok prizes awarded each year to people of all nationalities who have fought for human rights, awards that are part of the advertising costs for the company. Human rights thus become an investment to increase sales.
International agencies propose broad recipes that drain the bulk and pose little impact because the child contemplate isolated from the structure of international relations that ultimately is the cause of their exploitation. Moreover, the ratification of many statements, does not guarantee compliance, no sanctions if violated, states make reservations when ratifying and there is no international jurisdiction that exiga.
In addition, the conventions often fall into the hardest possibilism, which is reflected in the phrase of a high mandatory ILO, an organization heavily infiltrated by multinationals, "if we prevent the employment of children we will be promoting child prostitution." Indeed, there are people for whom the work of children is good because it helps them win something to get at least the street. Naturally these people consider it good for the children of others. For themselves, they argue that children should go to school and live in a stimulating environment.
The life of a child is like a piece of paper on which everyone who passes leaves a signal. On the bodies of working children love messages but not deep wounds that maim them for the rest of their lives are left. (Chinese proverb).
The international trade union confederations, although critical issue and fund assistance programs, continue to use the term labor market. This is an admission that the worker is a commodity which can be pressed to buy as cheaply as possible, which can exploit children or must "know how to sell" to find employment.
Meanwhile, the state’s role is increasingly reduced to manage - because those who govern are the markets- and to deal with the discipline of cheap labor and repression of dangerous legions of arms can not find work.