Educacion sexual en Inglés
Enviado por Stella • 17 de Febrero de 2018 • 4.223 Palabras (17 Páginas) • 423 Visitas
A report that analyzes the situation of 10 countries of the critical EU the scarce implementation of the sex education in the educational centers of Spain.
Spain suspends in sensitization with 25 % (only it stays over Czech Republic, Italy and Lithuania), in sex education with 25, 6 % (only it overcomes Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Lithuania) and approves curettage in education and professionals' formation with 57, 9 %.
In Spain, the sex education of the minors is almost anecdotal. If we compare ourselves with most of European countries, here it does not even appear in the school résumé. Although the UNESCO considers the roll of the schools to be essential in the sex education of the minors, many schools rest on classes of sexuality created by companies of products of intimate hygiene. And in another, some educators and teachers touch the topic transversely.
The absence of affective - sexual Pedagogàia has serious consequences, which we will analyze next, as well as the opinion of the experts and the proposals of progress.
In the year 2010 the Organization of the UNO for the Education, the Science and the Culture published the international guidelines on the sex education and its authors affirm that it is so important as the mathematics. Already 5 years have happened since this document was published but in Spain, the sex education of the minors keeps on being practically nonexistent.
In Spain the sex education of the minors is left to the criterion of the schools and in many communities the assent of the parents is necessary so that its children could receive it.
The LOGSE, already in the year 1990, began to introduce an affective and reproductive sex education in the schools and in the year 2010 the Law of Sexual and Reproductive Health was aiming that it had to be part of the educational résumé. Nevertheless, in 2012, this subject was eliminated completely.
The scarce programs that yes come come from the hand of the Town hall, the Injuve, the Red Cross or the Autonomous region. In other schools they even take the relief companies of products of intimate hygiene but there are classes of only one hour and they include free samples of its products. During these classes, the information limits itself to the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and to how to place a condom.
Due to the absence of information that the adolescents receive, Internet is its main information source. According to information of Protect them, “more than half of Spanish adolescents of between 14 and 17 years has seen porn in Internet and between the 11 and the 12, 4 % receives sexual contents in its mobiles. ” From his part, the Injuve informs that the percentage of adolescents who have had its first sexual intercourse before the 15 has doubled between 2004 and 2012.
According to the sociologist Luis Seoane, in an interview granted to The Country, “the government believes, mistakenly, that to give sex education will do that the sex increases between adolescents, when it is the other way round: with a good education in the matter they are more capable of saying not”. It does not wonder that in a survey realized by the Community of Madrid, 5,3 % of the adolescents of between 14 and 16 years was confessing that “the boy with whom they were going out had imposed on him conducts of sexual type that she was pushing back. ” The number is so scandalous that before the increase of adolescents, victims of macho violence, the Community of Madrid created a special unit.
LOGSE: General law of education (1990)
The LOGSE contemplates the Sex education inside the so called transverse matters. Specifically like one of the contents of the Education for the Health. Let's remember here that the World Organization of the Health defines the health like "a finished physical, mental and social welfare state that does not consist only of illness absence". The Sex education is a part of the Education For the Health as also there it are the prevention of drug addiction, the education on mental health, dental aperture, etc
He stands out in the Prescriptive Summary rough copy, the importance granted to a set of aspects that have acquired special relief in our society, tackled in the Targets General and got in diverse blocks of the different Areas. These elements, of undoubted educational value they acquire, this way a sense of topics of transverse treatment. He gathers them, yes the Prescriptive Curriculum and the same way the centers will have to do it in its Projects Curriculares and the teachers in its programmings. They are:
• The consumer education.
• The education for the equal opportunity of both sexes.
• The education for the morality, civics and for the peace.
• The environmental education.
• The education for the health.
• The sex education.
• The road education.
Constitutional law 2/2010, of March 3, of sexual and reproductive health and of the voluntary interruption of the pregnancy.
• Published in BOE n. 55 of March 04, 2010
• Validity from July 05, 2010. This current review from September 23, 2015
Of the sexual and reproductive health
Measurements in the educational ambience
Article 9 Incorporation of the formation in sexual and reproductive health to the educational system
The educational system will contemplate the formation in sexual and reproductive health, like part of the integral development of the personality and of the formation in values, including an integral approach that he contributes to:
• a) The promotion of a vision of the sexuality in terms of equality and joint responsibility between men and women with special attention to the prevention of the violence of genre, aggressions and sexual abuses.
• b) The recognition and acceptance of the sexual diversity.