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El grupo promiscuo simple (asociación estable pero poco organizada de una pluralidad de individuos de ambos sexos

Enviado por   •  11 de Enero de 2019  •  732 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  313 Visitas

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The fundamental structures of the PNS are two: the nerves and the nerve ganglia.

What are nerves?

They are elongated structures that carry the axons of the neurons and are distributed throughout the body.

What are ganglia?

They are accumulations of sums of neurons, of neuronal bodies.

And to remember the meaning of Afferent I notice that Afferent begins with A as Ascendant, that is, ascends into the CNS.

They are small tricks that can be useful to remember

Of the meaning of these terms.

There is also another concept that I am interested in reviewing is that of gray matter and white matter.

What is the Gray Substance?

It is the accumulation of neuronal bodies in the CNS.

And White Substance, what is it?

It is the accumulation of axons and dendrites.

And where is this white substance and gray substance located?

• The gray matter is peripheral in the brain, however, at the level of the brain of the brain and spinal cord is central, as we could see in the previous image of the horizontal section by which I have illustrated the origin of the spinal nerves.

• On the other hand, the location of the white matter in the CNS is the reverse. It is central in the brain and is peripheral in the trunk of the brain and marrow.

El objetivo de la raíz cuadrada es, encontrar un número que multiplicado por sí mismo dos veces de el número. Así pues, la raíz cuadrada de 9 es tres, ya que 3 por 3 es nueve.

Aparte de la explicación teórica, la raíz cuadrada sirve para resolver situaciones prácticas. Por ejemplo. Si te dicen que una pared cuadrada tiene 16 mts cuadrados de superficie, si quieres saber cuál es el alto de la misma o el ancho. O para hallar el valor de algún lado de una forma triangular conociendo el valor de los otros 2 lados. En la vida diaria nos encontramos constantemente con estas situaciones, y las resolvemos sin darnos cuenta que hallamos raíces cuadradas.


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