Enviado por Rimma • 2 de Abril de 2018 • 2.015 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 321 Visitas
Pero esta distinción carece de importancia, por cuanto generalmente, donde una persona tiene su domicilio civil, también tiene su domicilio político (este domicilio interesa al derecho constitucional).
DOMICILIO LEGAL: El domicilio legal de dependencia es aquel que la ley impone a ciertas personas, en razón del vínculo de subordinación que tienen con otras.
DOMICILIO CONVENCIONAL: El domicilio convencional puede ser constituido por cualquiera de las formas expresas o tácitas de manifestación de la voluntad.
DOMICILIO CONYUGAL: lugar que residen los cónyuges, fijado de común acuerdo por ellos, y donde deben convivir, disfrutando cada uno de idénticas consideraciones y propia autoridad.
DOMICILIO FISCAL: es su residencia habitual. De todas maneras, si dicha persona desarrolla actividades económicas, es posible que se considere como su domicilio fiscal aquel donde se centraliza la dirección y la gestión de dichas actividades.
Para la persona jurídica, el domicilio fiscal será equivalente al domicilio social o al lugar donde se lleva a cabo la dirección y gestión de la actividad.
8.- Diga a que se le llama domicilio fiscal
Es su residencia habitual. De todas maneras, si dicha persona desarrolla actividades económicas, es posible que se considere como su domicilio fiscal aquel donde se centraliza la dirección y la gestión de dichas actividades.
Para la persona jurídica, el domicilio fiscal será equivalente al domicilio social o al lugar donde se lleva a cabo la dirección y gestión de la actividad.
9.- Diga las principales características de cada uno de los atributos
Son intransferiblesSon incomerciablesSon irrenunciablesSon inembargablesSon imprescriptibles
10.- Investigar que es el patrimonio familiar.
conjunto de bienes constituido por resolución judicial y en forma única que aseguran y garantizan la subsistencia y bienestar de la familia. La administración del patrimonio familiar corresponde a ambos cónyuges o a solo uno de ellos si el otro falta o se halla impedido, o bien al padre o a la madre beneficiarios o al que lo hace constituir sólo para sus hijos,
11.- Qué diferencia hay entre la propiedad y la copropiedad.
PROPIEDAD: es el poder directo e inmediato sobre un objeto o bien. su titular dispone del mismo, sin más limitaciones que las que imponga la ley.
COPROPIEDAD: o es dividir un inmueble, es más bien “compartirlo”.
a esto se debe que conserva su unidad (sigue siendo uno solo), simplemente con varios propietarios cada uno con derecho a participación.
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Diana Laura Olivas Cardenas
Icedo Núñez Roberto Enrique
Project #1
1.- Introduction.
my name is Diana Laura Olivas Cardenas I have 19 years'm studying to business administration from the State University of Sonoro 2nd semester I really like this race for the curriculum that is one of my goals is to finish the race and find a good i work.
2.- First memory.
My first memory is when I was 5 years once went to a village bay serca wolves obregon arrived at night were going all my brothers my parents and my grandparents when we arrived as it was dark and no light there salute our uncles and we slept the next day we lebantamos very early and a guy took us to sea to fish were going many cousins uncles then after we fish took us to see the sea lions were too many sea lions ever we had seen so then I peeked so just below the boat and not the fund beia was black so was very ondo then the wolves were below the boat and a cousin scared and one began to mourn desia that ivan us boltiar the boat and we went when we went in we watched back dolphins so nice all then we went to a beach to swim and there ended all wrong because I beak a mantaralla my bigger brother and tubimos us to return quickly to the people and the people very nice hermosillo all this time most of the family gathered agusto lots of fun all well for one part was nice but then bad about what happened to my brother.
3.- The happiest moment in you life.
the happiest moment of my life is when I turned 15 years did not want to party big or anything just asked you to all my family to meet and I make dinner at my house and if I never thought that they would be all as he had then asked when she came the day my mom told me that would take me to lunch to enlist me and took me to buy clothes because I combed till the afternoon we arrived at my house when I went shopping for clothes was sad because I did not think it was me out to accomplish what wanted when we got to my house at night went all so surprised of the rooms and a scandal throughout my whole family without missing nadien were very nice this time very happy for me the most important thing is my family is what I love always are very united and this time charm me.
4.- The most dangerous moment in your life.
the most dangerous moment and gone in my life is a time when I was in a town then some cousins dijieron that we were to give food a few pigs on a ranch that was there serquita and if we have then had mountains of corn tortillas and grabbed and he started throwing to the pigs and laughing and laughing then came some men in a car and got out with axes and shovels and began corretiar us and I felt very scared not anything all ran and ran parted when we got home missing two cousins of the smallest then we told my uncles and went to look and gentlemen were gone and neither my cousins and I were air to command my uncles when they arrived my cousins were hiding in a cave and as we began speaking to say my uncles air not to come back to us because there was always alone but as children