Actividad 2 Análisis, mejora y control de los sistemas de calidad
Enviado por Rimma • 22 de Diciembre de 2018 • 1.257 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 566 Visitas
C5 5 151.40 6.66 (145.16, 157.64)
Pooled StDev = 6.68730
[pic 2]
Muestra algo de relación residual, sin embargo el valor de F se encuentra fuera de media, por lo tanto se rechaza la hipótesis nula.
Fisher Pairwise Comparisons
Grouping Information Using the Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
C1 5 178.20 A
C2 5 166.40 B
C3 5 164.60 B
C4 5 158.00 B C
C5 5 151.40 C
Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.
[pic 3]
Pvalue menor a los niveles comunes de significancia por lo tanto se rechazará la hipótesis nula.
Tukey Pairwise Comparisons
Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
C1 5 178.20 A
C2 5 166.40 A B
C3 5 164.60 B
C4 5 158.00 B C
C5 5 151.40 C
Means that do not share a letter are significantly diffcerent.
[pic 4]
Las medias que no comparten letra son significativamente diferentes.
Test for Equal Variances: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
Null hypothesis All variances are equal
Alternative hypothesis At least one variance is different
Significance level α = 0.05
95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for Standard Deviations
Sample N StDev CI
C1 5 3.96232 (1.49235, 21.6988)
C2 5 7.36885 (2.82365, 39.6639)
C3 5 5.27257 (1.90928, 30.0318)
C4 5 9.02774 (2.05447, 81.8208)
C5 5 6.65582 (2.04230, 44.7395)
Individual confidence level = 99%
Method Statistic P-Value
Multiple comparisons — 0.561
Levene 0.48 0.748
[pic 5]
Pvalues e intervalos de comparación indican que no son estadísticamente significativas las diferencias entre los grupos, debido a que los datos son mayores a 0.5 la hipótesis nula es aceptada
One-way ANOVA: Time1, Time2, Time3, X1, X2, X3
Null hypothesis All means are equal
Alternative hypothesis At least one mean is different
Significance level α = 0.05
Equal variances were assumed for the analysis.
Factor Information
Factor Levels Values
Factor 6 Time1, Time2, Time3, X1, X2, X3
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Factor 5 2724 544.87 53.09 0.000
Error 234 2401 10.26
Total 239 5126
Model Summary
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
3.20352 53.15% 52.15% 50.72%
Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI
Time1 40 9.352 2.981 (8.354, 10.350)
Time2 40 1.447 1.412 (0.449, 2.445)
Time3 40 7.455 4.461 (6.457, 8.453)
X1 40 9.352 2.981 (8.354, 10.350)
X2 40 1.447 1.412 (0.449, 2.445)
X3 40 7.455 4.461 (6.457, 8.453)
Pooled StDev = 3.20352
Tukey Pairwise Comparisons
Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
X1 40 9.352 A
Time1 40 9.352 A
X3 40 7.455 A
Time3 40 7.455 A
X2 40 1.447 B
Time2 40 1.447 B
Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.
Tukey Simultaneous 95% CIs
Fisher Pairwise Comparisons
Grouping Information Using the Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
X1 40 9.352 A
Time1 40 9.352 A
X3 40 7.455 B
Time3 40 7.455 B
X2 40 1.447 C
Time2 40 1.447 C
Means that do not share