Adolecencia temprana y tardía
Enviado por John0099 • 28 de Marzo de 2018 • 1.720 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 287 Visitas
Early adolescence (10 to 14 years)
Taken in a broad sense, it could be considered as early adolescence
period extending between 10 and 14 years old. It is at this stage in the
that, generally, begin to manifest physical changes, usually
I begin with a sudden acceleration of growth, followed by development
of sexual organs and secondary sexual characteristics. These changes
They external are often very obvious and can be cause for anxiety as well
as enthusiasm for individuals whose bodies are suffering
Internal changes taking place in the individual, though less obvious, are
equally deep. A recent neuroscientific research shows that in
these years of early adolescence, the brain undergoes a sudden development
electrical and physiological. The number of brain cells can almost be doubled
in the course of a year, while neural networks are reorganized radically
with repercussions on the emotional, physical and mental capacity.
Physical and sexual, earlier development in which girls enter puberty
about 12 to 18 months before the men- reflected in similar trends
in brain development. The frontal lobe, the part of the brain that governs the
reasoning and decision-making, starts to develop during adolescence
early. Because this development starts later and takes longer
in men, their tendency to act impulsively and to think in a
uncritically it lasts much longer than in girls. This phenomenon contributes
the widespread perception that girls mature much earlier than boys.
It is during early adolescence that girls and boys charge
greater awareness of gender than when they were younger, and they can adjust their behavior
or appearance standards observed. They may be victims of acts
intimidation or harassment, or participate in them, and also feel confused about
of their own personal and sexual identity.
Early adolescence should be a stage in which children have with
a clear and safe to get reconciled with this cognitive transformation space,
emotional, sexual and psychological violence, free from the burden of performing functions
own adult and with the full support of responsible adults in the home,
school and community. Given the social taboos that often surround the
puberty is particularly important to give teenagers at this stage all
the information they need to protect themselves from HIV, other infections transmission
sex, early pregnancy and sexual violence and exploitation. For
many children, this knowledge comes too late, if at all, when
They have already affected the course of their lives and ruined their development and welfare.
Late adolescence (15 to 19 years)
Late adolescence covers the back of the second decade of life,
broadly between 15 and 19 years old. By then, usually
there have been the most important physical changes, the body continues
developing. The brain also continues to develop and reorganized, and
the ability for analytical and reflective thinking increases markedly. The
views of members of his group still tend to be important at the beginning
this stage, but its influence decreases to the extent that adolescents
gain more confidence and clarity in their identity and their own opinions.
Recklessness-a common feature of early and middle adolescence, when
individuals experience with the "adult behavior" - declines during the
late adolescence, to the extent that the ability to assess develops
risks and make informed decisions. However, cigarette smoking and experimentation
with drugs and alcohol often acquired at this early stage
foolhardy to continue for late adolescence and even into adulthood.
For example, it is estimated that 1 in 5 teenagers between 13 and 15 years
smoke, and about half of those who start smoking in adolescence
They continue to do so for at least 15 years. The other aspect of explosive development
brain that occurs during adolescence is which can be serious and
permanently affected by the excessive use of drugs and alcohol.
In late adolescence, girls tend to be at higher risk than men
of negative consequences for health, including depression; and often
discrimination and abuse based on gender magnifies these risks. The
Girls have a particular propensity to suffer from eating disorders, such