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Dynamic Capabilities of Learning: New Approach.

Enviado por   •  4 de Mayo de 2018  •  5.685 Palabras (23 Páginas)  •  313 Visitas

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The development of dynamic capabilities means the input of core capabilities fostering the development and change of all the procedures and behaviors of the organization. The complexity and uncertainty of all these dimensional changes requires of a multiple and amalgamated reconfiguration of all the resources, from the individuals and from the assets, with a new vision for making the most of the individuals and resources. Thus, the resources and the individuals have to be faced up in a new dimension where the idea of changing is embedded in the culture of the organization and not punished.

This idea is easy to say in the organization, but really difficult to be a gestalt capability. In a formal procedure, the integration of a open-minded vision is easy to formulate in the organization commitments or written in the manuals of the organization. Nevertheless the difficult idea is to, in fact, be a real and concrete ability, capability and behavior of the individuals and the organization as an entire.

Pursuing these capabilities in global sense of the organization compulsion a first intention, motivation or step, which has to be enough energetic and encouraged to mobilize the entire resources and individuals of the organization. This revolution is normally introduced by the top managers or the owners of the organization. When this organization is a brand new organization, then the importance of developing these capabilities and skills depend on the founders of the firm, which via the hiring process will acquire the individuals and capabilities that they will foster via the hiring process.

Therefore, it has major importance the necessity of the commitment of an energetic, determined and motivated movement for purchase these dynamic capabilities and continuously proceed with them. These may emerge from the top managers, leaders, owners or founders of the organization. These, if are not endowed in the organization, have to be embodied, and is the first challenge of the organization, to acquire these individuals with strong behavior, ideas and motivation.

We want to introduce the term “pioneers” as the individuals endowed with the capabilities and skills able to foster the organizational development of the dynamic capabilities, encouraged and motivated to face new situations, take hard decisions, and focus the organization towards a well-identified target. We want to introduce the main skill the “pioneers” may achieve for the development of these dynamic capabilities and the pursuing of a gestalt organization endowed with the features necessary for the development of a entire group pursuing the evolution of themselves and the organization. These skills are: no fear to changes, open-minded, debate and communicative skills, decision-making, advice knowledge necessities, independency, social tactful and motivating. These are the skills of the “pioneers” and the more skilled and more pioneers in the organization, the better and easier for the development of the dynamic capabilities.

No fear against changes

The first one will be to not be afraid to pursued and develop the changes. The instigating of this first push has to be decided and determined with his decisions, when the individual is stationary, shy, or afraid against the development of new procedures, even wanting, there would be not enough endeavor from these “pioneer” for the convincement of more individuals of the organization. The individuals that are afraid of the changes or do not have enough convincement of their procedures would not be “pioneers”, instead will be good followers. The first skill of the instigating is to not be afraid of the changes and act in consequence and determinacy with his thoughts.


The second skill is to be open-minded; a “pioneer” not necessary has to be the creator of the first idea, and does not have to be a believer that his thought and idea may be the best for the organization. Most of the ideas, in its base, will come from the lower levels of the organizations. Is the brainwork of the managers or pioneers to recognize this potential streams and emphasize them. For the development of this skill, the “pioneer” has to be open-minded for fresh and new ideas, listen carefully and internalize the information received.

These is a complex task, so these leader has to deal with the problem of facing as much anxieties and aspirations of the other individuals of the organization as he can. For no overcoming buried in non-important information and problems, these manager has to delegate as much as he can, so that the individuals are able to deal with the small problems themselves. When the delegation of power is produced, the individuals will try to deal with these problems by their own to no defraud the manager who trusted in him. The other positive point is delegating related with this purpose of the “pioneer” is the growth of reciprocal trust. Normally, the trust is a social aspect amalgamate with the reciprocity of the feeling. The manager that trust and gives trust in others will receive the same from the other. For the process of sharing information, the trust is key, and when the individuals have trust in the top “spheres” where the instigating is, the most fresh and adequate ideas will have for acting and performance in consequence.

Debate and communicative skills

In relation with this second skill, emerges the third skill, which is the ability for discussing and debate in group. The open-minded and trusted proceed of a manager dealing with other ideas can be unusable. With all the information received, the “pioneer” has then to deal with it, discussing. This discuss has several forms and manners of acting.

The “pioneer” has to be able to reject a non fruitful idea[1], which means no hurting the feelings or self-esteem of the individual. A positive procedure showing gratitude is necessary and will be positive in this relation. A brusque “no”, or over-emphasizing the impossibility of the idea will mean the loss of trust of the relation, thus, these individual will be afraid or worried to come again when he realizes of another idea, information or development.

When the idea is positive and may be fruitful for the organization, a gratitude for the creator is requisite. A reward would advance this behavior and performance in the organization, never this reward has to be a monetary reward, just an structural or social reward. After that, a discuss and debate of the idea has to emerge in the organization for the development or not of the idea. The capability of the “pioneer” to find the potential or not of the idea, and


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