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Enviado por   •  30 de Marzo de 2018  •  580 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  432 Visitas

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c. How many exams does the final evaluation have? And how many questions? a final exam of 25 questions

d. In this course do you have to present collaborative activities? Yes, one activity

collaborative, called writing collaborative

e. There is an activity where you have to meet with your tutor by Skype or

another media, which one is it? Yes, this activity is called speaking assignment

2nd Part - About you

Do a short presentation of yourself, including the place where you live, carrer that you study, hobbies and expectation from the course.

My name is Yamid Pabon Pabon, I have Twenty eight years old, I live in Piedecuesta town, I live in the 5b race with 19th street. In the neighborhood stroll of bridge one, my cellular telephone is 3102401081, I work like security supervisor, in the company G4S Secure Solutions Colombia S.A. I am studying industrial engineering in UNAD, CEAD of Bucaramanga. In my spare time I go to the gym and sometimes I go to play futboll with my friends. I hope this course, go to increase my knowledge of the English language, because it is my last career level.

3rd Part - About the subject

Write a short paragraph, explaining your opinion about English.

Complete the chart

Paste a photo of

your family

Is English important in your

life? Why?

Is English important in your

career? Why?

[pic 3]

I see the english as the official language of the globalized world we are living. Behold, the main reason why it is important; as we shall see, this has several implications especially in the world of work, business and computing. Indeed, today, to gain access to certain job positions, it is essential to speak English. There are even studies that say that people who speak English, come to win, 30% more salary that those who do not dominate in the english.

In the company where I am working it is vital speak the English language, because I'm supervisor technological means of technology G4S, which it is a multinational company, speak English, gives me the opportunity to grow occupational, improve the quality life, of my family and mine.


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